Friday 28 July 2023

the last day

 UPDATE 29 July - not able to edit clips together  - takes a LOT of processing power and happily live meandering at the mo

BUT uploading clips by phone or laptop of course they make it diferent....sometimes they get set (by youtube) to draft sometimes set to  publish...

so this has been revised meaning some were in draft form and i assume unviewable...
now all set to viewable but some are missing from the sequence

to me almost godly...and bits of mine, here, are missing... take time to find again (audios and some other materials) - when not walking the cliffs - 20 hrs a week perhaps... this poetical meandering is full time rest of the time...


all building themes... almost impossible at moments as google so utterly on drugs (as it has been 13 years) it is impossible to get any flow - one click of the insert video button one day has behaviour x, the next day, behaviour y...

so may not even be in right order...yet

and punch line - grand finale...not even up yet
as i descend to bad signal creek

never mind a few audios woven in and MANY PICTURES...SOME QUITE GOOD.

eg audio recording to go in here (taken from 3 different aNGLES 3 DIFERENT DEVICES...LOADS TIME REQUIRED TO SUSS OUT WHICH IS BEST FOR..HERE..accidental cap too hurried to fix....)
 an ultra zen mindful broadcast   - i should imagine quite expensive - like a Sam Harris plus... loads of focused expensive marketing as mister Ultimate zen.....left on quite loudly all night  blaring out, by some nice NATURAL STORE..employee about your inner power, "COMMUNITY "..and "empathy.".. all divinely manifesting into so much caring...

so much so one never notices the people asleep not far away in a normal house with bedroom window open on a muggy night...poor hings no one cared about THEIR noise pollution... left on all night them to meditated into forgetting to care for ANY OTHJER REAL HUMAN BEING

if you have read McCarthy's awful book The Road.... well when mixed together the above the below and a few other hings...are ten times more real life zombie Apocolypse...hjust as Apocolyptic and emotion laden  the evocative parts of APOCOLYPSED NOW..IN LOUDMOUTH..[accidental caps but it fits..and not a millisecond of detypo edit time left...battery...gone ] .with propper learning thrown in.. that the next generation COULD just use as learning aids.. hats if their mums can bear...laughing at themselves too...

one of various add ins ...soon..takes so much time with battery..i don have