Monday 24 July 2023

Tango, Scent of a Woman, and authenicity

 Now, never enough...time..

is the enemy  - to quote the Esti song...

I mean fuck these women - a letter going to Babes hour.....soon*

unless you have zen and know things just get done to..

decade long plan

But can you imagine how ..I felt....

You and all your moaning 2020...

Me although splendid mood...

from about day !0

"hmmm ok time to look up a bit of NewBob.... shit....!!!! cannot be...!!!!!!!! noh i could die!!!! ... the first two minutes....nohhh its not fuckin possible!!!! ... it is of course it is even if destroyed eaten alive by their avarice,..... its fuckin US... sat right next to the most fabulous heroic copyright theft ever... fuck me talk about turnin in the screw while pondering who will nail in the final metal steak and chips..." 

minutes 1 -2 

(must have some music, back to work at library and... just next to moi i have to hear very loud the whole mental health history of a clearly very well woman - most able to recant every aid and even treatment her old mother gets...Japanese toilet seat gizmos, yes... including her pubes being airdryed (on your taxpayer loot) 

So she gets her wonky head payments...

in a public library space... 


well yes defo 'mental' in that way.... 

NO more ever i cannot do this as ALL is carried around in my head and such fabulous new poetry material just fuckin distracts from the sick state of your pissy Aisle i already knew of a decade ago.

MOST IMPORTANTANT terms and conditions ever: 

you must go back at least 2 months - it is a book that starts at the first 'post' though i didn't plan it yet...but have time on my hands...

And even more important: two s[peaches made - friendly, like face to many:

"[ ten years ago with babe sidecick - my they hated her as her arse was as finely toned as mine from dozens of miles we would cycle for the green party wasting our time delivering their leaflets they too fuckin fey to have a phone line assuming the connected energy of the universe would allow their enquiries to come through head to head] the green and COMMUNITY movements...we have known for 40+ years require above all WOMAN AND MAN to be working living... sharing ...together all of it, the washing machines and lifts and motors and the watching each others backs... most of the time... 

"[and 7 years ago] I no longer blame and government, corporation or greedy animal assassin  landowner called Mccurach... or Bulmer...or....... whomsoever, I ONLY blame US.... we do not operate cohesively... do not ever team up properly and ever work together [ and missed out the bit - cos these self righteous fuckin snotty cows fail to do their JOB.. broker actual real day in day out community...which means work had ALWAYS to have ALL of us gathered ALWAYS despite dancin a different fuckin dance ..or brand of yoghurt..."

except i never really swear much at all so only write-swear to fuck off the fakes who cannot take a bit of testing...

yes fuck off and die of atomisation disease with a dose of globally warmer water up yer jaxi ...  polluted nicely with plenty of YOUR plastic especially if you thought you were smugly recycling yer Gin n Tonics at Hay Festival of media tarts and crafty whatevers... ( huge £10m megga worthy gathering.. funny how few of the 'middle' class even have ever heard of it) 

tango and authenticity next