Sunday, 30 July 2023

the zen of kairos

oh i forgot this way date stamp doesnt show... saturday aft at 4.30...

i love my diaries...maybe others will one day, too...

 i really do need just ONE new word...trying for years to think of better one than 'zen' being the Tom-Puls and E-karts,  and their sad little pets, the girls they need to 'man' their cash registers... 

( look at Deepak's space age crew... 30year old juicy woman in space costume mabning his  yoytube portalled cash register   in his vids around spring 2021  ...i really pissed myself laughing such comedy)

all i know is i have in early 30s lived in Carlton 'otel Cannes at times etc....

nope...only one 'zen' even if new word so desperately needed! ... airing a freshly cleaned laundry item... in rhe real fresh air....

there is no luxury that compares ( to you)

and yes..... ALL women 

( though this is a BRITISH thing.... it is opposite in continental europe...still!! ) 

....are seemingly nowadays intimidated, made really spitty ranty,  by [at] a chap who reads some good books now and again... ( the power of NOW is not, in fact ONLY literature helps us imagine...others... which us tge ONLY human coyrse on being human....NOW .. i know that works a bit..)

so o don't any more...i gave up.... books only to be used for clothespegs....

two per chimney is more important than  learning..

anyway it categorically does not help in anything much...

i learned.... i know that 99% of behaviours and attitudes in uk have more or less  gone into reverse gear back into early victorian times... especially last few years....

so i am the fool thinking  others may have learned, too...

i learned! no more books!!