Tuesday 25 July 2023

tourist guide

 ...ruining their holiday

" wow...you two [ 35 and 65] are so thin.... beware though i think our lot getting fatter.... 

" i took my Lass to London the day your blackman was .. on the front of every newspaper on the tube...and was proud to.... feel the best of emotions...

" until every fat smug tit here brags [ just last week] of reading Michelle's book.... which neglects to mention your Barrick increased spending on heavy metal more than any other  member of the default KKK in history which is the actual reason Putin went a bit wonky....NE Poland crammed full of his..no one elses.....except his lapdog brit's.. his heavy metal ..  there for no reason on earth that makes sense other than to piss off Putin....  so if Putters presses his buton in a hissy fit.... only one man really is to blame...

" anyway no hope... so how did it go down in USA?.. . the bloke at end gets his head eaten off by dinosaur...i peed myself so funny! bad bews he is alive and well in Cornwall.... owns most if it in fact and exoert at conning thecpeeos to get naintenance grants for his...'projects' too....... or his ex does if she managed to squirrel it away when she ran away... . .  wow your circles loved it !!!  when i saw it is smiled at last. .  'wow hope in the world if USA can still take the piss out if itself ...with such style and grace!'....at last !!!

" uk i am afraid could never make that mivie now...nor 99% even get it... dont look up ...as you walk on...  cos he is watching you...to make sure you dont walk on HIS


all that secret cctv...only symbolic of a country that no longer understands how the satire it gave to the world.....as the answer  . ... was always, and always will be the only one that ever ...worked"

" no one can laugh at themselves here any more... please kidnap me and rescue me...even Chicago would be safer than here... yes here loadsa drugges congregate...then belt off fast in their motors ...girlies driving too.... it dont say that in your theme park guide.....i think uk now worse than usa...pretending otherwise never helped anything...work..."