Sunday 16 July 2023

up nojab serbia!!!!!

 yep they dont mention that now hahhh hahhh...

what a perfect morning

a quite good Something Understood....

....remember one has a device ( they all hide sad)

have a look at emails to see if Cecile ( she spat as we stood at woke central Essouraia 2005... watching pure perfect Touareg men...only men.... so so performativeperfect as if the ultimate robed gods of dance off a large audience   with not very good music The Guardian or BBC  would have rated as so good its above all ratings... 

" spectacle .." she spat out... the only truth talker, ever i had met.  .

the greatest real performance by a real woman ( who had spent the previous year reasearching the reality of arab men by sleeping with a jolly food sample of them...with an injured arm from one .....on the run from one mad one who didnt get her true finest mindful of desire to UNDERSTAND.. )

so having forgot to look to see if she had replied.... i care so little about fools she even became

" what??!!" i thought she would have ultra blocked all..!".

a ittle proof missive ..... to my peasant surprise

that no one is free .......

.....not even a greater mind than Cecile

not free of cant and vanity

your internet made you all mad... madness is fun so Kevin Coyne wrote in Pretty Park...he was a real man who performed ...wrote superb words, but ALSO grounded himself by still working as a nurse to them...the wonky

not that i have ever been mad... ( tested in the days of Mrs Tarot Taxidermist... nope... they ...government....try that also...but beat their fascist evil uk Hagueworthy system 2010... thank you very much....... in fact they try to committ a last ditch strategy to silence .... very good house of lords committe on that aroubd sane time....filmed...on youtube!..( NO right of appeal) and one ends up with a pukka sanity certificate ( board of 2 experts) for free... thanks!!



today..... the real truth, is not


so sad even the one great mind shetoo


which is freedom

i am free

totally free


of course the lost herders of men, on the dancefloor, or tgeir awful healing tents...then online. .... they wish to make you think their way, too... control and even ban you from thinking off them..

.....been there, t shirt... 

( the inteligentbones know you are right but still you must be blocked thinking if them...its all so dull, in madam Bovary..)

that one...mrs actual taxidernist the papers didnt put in for the actual truth she was in a film ....on me ...the vild done to me and my lass...being made by 3 women !..and promised to come to court to help my daughter....yes...lets put in a fact.... promised she would be in a court case to help a child....

but...of course as she was childless .... 

she didnt know what keeping to your words may mean    

but fuckem all

i  never met a real woman...

all i care about is my own destroyed kid ( by government and other mad games 2010 and on).. can see her dad ... by just fine

i rose above the ebb and flow of their need to wave goodbye...


constant.... quite happy....

but constant


8 hrs sleep

not emailing poison late at night

( i would see dorothy the healing goddess do by facebook 2020 and on...on her case actual criminal fraud)

8 hrs... forget them, every day a new day, but tbe real ...

the key to life

opening an email this morning

i dont get many they all so cowardly

" i would not have one second of my life to this moment be one moment different... i am alive.   ... especially in this dull little moment...i thought she alone may be above.... but she is liive a bit too... this is interesting...i do not know what next.... one interesting person... eceryone else i know my age is dead.... me i am haply...very...and a perfect NOW

at least i took the tisk...i am alive and know WHY i want..... 

and above all am not in control....but never lwt orhers ever get me down even when writing to me the dull lies of others..... "

yes Estelle... the  nutjobs...the liars... the finger ladies...

the lonesomeness

all pushed me, even you. ..into many long walks.. .

i walk 

and thus am extremely healthy.... 

and look up

and ... live fully in every interesting joyful moment

every day

no idea what next!!!

but i would have not one second of my life different.

thats actual zen and ... all these silly words.  


in a bit

something to photograph and share, first....

by midmorning

what some fool sadly wrote

whom wouldnt know  what the last line of this supetb song...means

in fact in real life what it means is lying about yourself makes you a bit ill  
but real sad illnrss 99% have  is it is  just so ...boring....

me....time for a swim at the Bar...its banned due the rip...

oops no

......publish a page of someone elses writing...


paragraoh tjis week tgat made me..sad...and yes tbink, too

then the rip