Monday 31 July 2023

well that...

 that in italics, went well..

real titleTOUGH LOVE

( theyll make it arredtable soon i am sure so a working title)

" blahh blahhh.

"its your baby Suzi but THE number 1 cause of your..booze, brexit...and emotional vandalism ...and lost wasting time with others' psychodrama when like all single solo daughters you dont give a fig..even about the related houseguest you are showing iff to me you care about when its more lrocrastinating headfuck you having the 'option' not to mean what you have said to me for three months.. 

." you do not, cannot BE... a carer...cannot care... solo daughter princessitis and no kid of your one holds you to account ever..... friends, contacts can be dropped just like that...... only people who are accountable care...and that may be just to their kid...they grow up and judge.... or a husband fir life none of you new age birds gave the guts to committ to....

" but love.... Suzi my "BIRD" friend ....[ she been trained 3 years i can say ANYthing to her at she knows its .... society....all fucked...we are on SAME side]

" your baby.... i fuckin care, daughter, to the 14 year old..... they need new real Joe Ortonish real culture...its the only hope... a nanaboat woman too she knows...but to scared to ever mean what she said.....its all screwy anodyne safe space crap....

" REAL culture... you alone can get that 5 mil... and do this!.... because you believe...its necessary....and are uncaring and bitch enough...use your takents for!

" but i will help.... i expect you to put the phone down, 3 mths i wait for this moment.... having asked many here and there theytoo say the culture is buggerated...   you my never-friend cos of your booze and Nigel habits...but a friend says ... as your 30 year one told me  last autumn...before she dumped you for ten years of procrastinitis... 

"if  you fail to mean what you say..... and i have even passed it on to nanaboat  .. thats the big moment me believing your words ... 

"if you do not mean that you are getting this baby going all the one BBQing it.... i will ensure from afar as i know true community democratic rules....

".well with your unique name .if you do not... i shall make sure that every bullshit phone call... every message i sent you never have the naturity ( see next vid) to acknowkedge afterall its not for me, only you, i  never going back there.... i told the few i do care about i beluive in you....

" if you drop this one or deceive people or just false sell or pimp  yourself.... every single word...for your good...i publish... "

thats what caring is...and it may improve your wobbly mental health too...

"authentic, now, only...always

"or else"

right...back to work

last day

always solutions to drown out tjose who made tgemselves mad...cos they cannot spell authentic