Monday 31 July 2023

so, of course

 one plans ones whole week around, go to library...last few videos to upload if one can bear the ....[ he told her, from last week " my organisation we are winding down now so i am only one day a week .." so she will hace to give the whole  littany of exaxtly what 'manifestation' her 'dyslexia' is... to the next...organisation.. on your taxpayer cash....

a beautiful 'study' in.... well, i know there is no hope...

nor any of any reliable public 'services'....


over and out except for the best bits i need to go backwards and add in now... more

and since my poem Boats did get i think a sincere smile and " i get it"....

i shall handwrite it out, nicely ..

But... the last.... this endless hamster wheel of women playing at ...  well i don't know what it is, exceot i knew two who were certainly 'used' to shut one up... exactly as the Ustaše .


oops paste means it keeps the be it

yes... it is a tragicom.... very tragic what one young woman was pushed into concocting 5 years ago...

funny how when engaging as i am at the great rip by the Loe... lovely deserted seaside... 

she doesn't mention it....

But the way they all have been drawn in to this never ending circular economy of the chain gang expanding so Paul will have a few more free workers ... if they can make a 'charge' stick.... is as ...

Well its very Kafka ...

And i guess i have two stories must be told...

One to young to know any better such as she was being manipulated to try and hurt her dad in public    

Nice easy one that as the Taxidermist had laid the foundations..( exactly what the stasi state loves ... create a he must always be 'guilty' of any repeat...)

but then the one person i woykd hope immune to the utter Kafkaesque system and false newsprint.... 


great subject for a play one day...or film.

i need to make the brief" true story based on"...intro...

filmy thing....

because i never again have anyine assuming ANYthing



part 1

loads of last 3 weeks to fill in soon

then back to only handwriting...

library 'services' like this...not surprising so many on drugs or just so sadly downshouldered in their posture...

none if my biz

i dont exist

the rest may as well not, either..

communication takes effort...