Tuesday 1 August 2023


 no one really wants hermitude, but a bit less greyfrozen in the winter

one more new video to make.... someone has to say it, because certain law... shabby reputation damaging stretegies...  this hedgehogalogue is immune to....

nevertheless especially when every sad lost lonely one, thinks google is her  ?? what exactly i have no idea?

the way various people use various laws to protect their 

dull little lack of imagination, does need something left ... here.... on the next sunny day... it is so unimportant i didn't get to it today... last word on others sad oasts, only to draw a line in the sand... so many seem to think is reliable as foundation.....

i bet no one went through what i had to due hedgehog ripples....

so it is time to exorcise the most embarassing 'story' imaginable  .... 

if nothing more than to demonstrate if one can have pure bodily zen after that.... my approach, works.

Thing is.... if there is some 'argument' for pixies to be running the show, or even as some overclaimers would claim, 'cause and effect'  operant through THEMIX...of body soul and notunderstandale human purchase, and all in 'shock', as one...entity or system...its  a splendid story. Soon...