Tuesday 1 August 2023

THE bleedin end...super simple living like a king, only

 of 20 years chrony cles...

Now ONLY simple living, with just a bit (or LOT ) of 'bodily'....  thrown in

Plus just a bit of live on despite them... not 'homespun' indeed ancient Greek stoic and all sorts of matafizzy philosophy woven in...

But above all how to live like a king... (if one must be marooned on the sceptical aisle where all the rivers stink of sewerage.... [call to Libdem county councillor Lucy his morn..also knows mister Mormon that my law on transparency was the only way SHE could 18 months ago take tales of tyrannical fascism to the media BBC Panorama as itt happens and save mothers from having heir kids state kidnapped from them as Panorama unequivocally showed....... a REALWOMAN...always takes my calls even if i give up as all Uk women hate anyone who has DONE stuff....but when i ell her Lucy its a JOKE your communications systems on drugs...all the silly london switchboard types even give me long expired local phone numbers for the councillors in the MAIN reason your next electoral hopes depend!! Its a farce... doesnt take it personally bu dont vote libdem whatever you do i am sure Monster Ravers at least have one phone number hat works...and no they never answer their emails either.... " Lucy i have a whole band of elves sorted out...NOT me..they...would bolster any Lbdem who gets it intothe press..they will run petitions and also lobby local councils... even if i have done some groundwork.... the Lucy solution...to the solution of shit... EVERYone i speak to is ashamed of...well guess what DOing something is authentic and makes you FELL better...


"that isnt me!!!

"....no one to watch my back Lucy

"and if anyone manages to get in straightforward legal protections as per your great scheme... a YEAr i have riffed with 50 or more of on your behalf....... its going to cost the cottage letters et al a LOT of money...so they will hurt a man alone.... so i learned to be nimble 13 years ago after the first deluge of liars.... and love EVERY second of keeping young by dint...of hem... [do we have a local one who will send in he feds?...smileything]  "

1 aug NO more chronicles

Just how...to have lived on ferk all and done a fair bit but above all have TIME to enjoy kingley living when one can....

but one must be nimble... so as to dance at he drop of a hat - is ALL bodily...it is ALL flow and movement....

Thats the point

1 aug...only hedgehogalogue  - which who knows may end up somewhere nice...or somewhere spikey...and super simple live kingly+ how to not be bugged by the spikey ones (not to self...Maureen... could write a book about he lifecoach shamanic con - she's a type 2 Tom-Paul ultra lifecoach con expert...[in fact recordings of her are far better than the silly BBC ones of he blokes  - link a week or so back...she REALLY sneaks in between the loosely woven threads...world EXPERT... i wonder if she works for a coven of Tom-Pauls or Polly-Katrinas..? dealing with her  - UTERLY sincerely... get a friend over with same viewpoints...as mutual benefit put her up wih another friend him so so sour by din of too many years a man alone...sincere mutual ben....but record her just in case she turns out to be a  superconner like so many on 'green ' dating sites.. ... but even i ill don't know for sure how she pays her fayres and travel costs.... and as i don't care i am free to have listened perfectly to hours of her... true genius actress and conner......] . the blueprint...  and to think i helped her move to UK 2 years ago! ...away from USA 'mandatroty jabberism' central.... she thought she had conned me... 

nope.... i won...  as i have he best book ever just in her...

camera fills up...delay...need o go to other less good one

21 july hedgealong as he was getting better

videos above may take time to finish upload...

you simply have no idea the 'struggle' - every second enjoyed, to arrive at this permanent new mode - and organised state...
such that never again will my camera fill up...never know what hedge will do :-) or...
And arrange it so NEVER back to these awful libraries (an interaction yesterday demonstrated the total weirdness so so many people are still in.... 'dominating' via turning a short necessary chat about tech 'services'  into some ferkin oral odyssey ... because they are 'lonely' ? or.... need to exert 'control'...i have no idea but i know i did my 20 years.....  and its so boring and i have had enough forever - no hope for is aisle...so it is ONLY about monetising super simple...
cos the complex as of now aint viable...any 4 year old could figure that

And ...back now...weave in those few  audios and videos not up yet...but my noes are perfectly arranged....and i don;t care if for no reason: it is the purpose.. the simple plodding along keeping on track into what for years (15) one knows IS 'good' purpose....  and if i can live super simple, so well...anyone can...
If they let go and....

to be cont

but before i do i MUST fix my keyboard... appearances mater - thats also the point...how to appear a king and even smell like one if needs be..... some of the time....

footnote: weird.... 11.33 and only one car here ALL morning.... as if it was deigned by the quantum qeeruns.... so as i have perfect concentration...