Wednesday 9 August 2023


 with a frog accent...

silly me. If one were to attempt to weave in some reality of this land and the Tom Pauls... well, this, unfortunarely is what endless unesteemed women do to ones head.  

( full explenation today)

I clear forgot!!!..  for 6 or 7 years on and off  from 84ish...i worked for one of the most nationally famous ones..

literally mr PR ..

regular colour supplement  appearences...

he almost invented the newstyle PR of Londonistan mid 80s....

as well as being a world famous icon of book publishing ... culture... and Londons most famous literary power ..

by far i would guess

in this mornings chapter

still on true zen of ultra simplicity...

i weave  in....

in fact he...represents tge against all human rights in the books he prostituded his whole persona to purvying....

bet he knew Mya Angelou and had her as houseguest...often...

...but his real life.... and how he truly hurt 4 or 5 of the ultimate 'salt of the earth'  secretaries so loyal to him over so long...

Luton lasses loved their work for him...

it was their life  . 

Until one day they found a secret recording  system.... been illegally monitoring their every word .. for years... and this was late 80s....

one of Londons top ten ultra new guru men of culture and erudition... new humanism...

and really quite famous...

sue if you will ...

all pr is pr  .

i can still find the 3 women he hurt so much its daft... they were my friends

oooh and some regional crims as well....


in the  can

since dawn

no data or power


all memoiring not fun for me because all i wush to riff upon is quite fenuinely super simple existebcw and tge equatikn between tgat and bodily real benefit... and mental

and maybe one day a serene ish period 2010 to 15...of riding just a little the kismet, sublime. . ineffable.... whatever one may call it... to belief in SOMEthing .. always though the unknowability of anything...ends up as true oeace and in fact laughter over time.. 

but...hmm... my memoirs are kind of valuable.... ish.... a bit... ??? not dosh, no, truth....i saw a lot from my island always aside them...all

and havent even got to the 3 volumes of ' the bankers, and I   '

not what you would assume