Friday 4 August 2023

So, the ...there is only one


And fuckerate the "haters" what a silly word for people who do not have THREE consecutive purpii...

I mean... you woud have to see the untaken photograph...or her

Age 4 ...

Her top just an hour ago, a hedge...and a full on rainbow hedge...all acrioss her little bod...

I don't think, or lets start at the beginning...

And YER gotta have on Mister "i set forth in the weary land..." loud..

SO to start at the start... ten years... well eight really... Wandering... vanloping all around the coasts of Pembrokeshhire in the days before the Gwerkerati found it and of course monetised every foraged mushroom... 

Instead of leaving them for the hedges... 

I think we must have adopted over 100 little ones.... Pied Pipering with at least a few, ofen a dizen ferrits on board.

Setting up camp, from campsite (£4 a night unlike the seemingly £25 here...sometimes beachside on unwandered roads.... ) ...only one of three purposes... "friend magnets...use the little fuckers...!" attracting often a whole gaggle of little girls and boys... often for hours (some photos in the drive via the leftovers... )

some days


the mums, sometimes dads at a 'safe space' distance...

Of: "shes the boss! the lass as you can see by her body language age five...eight ..or even near eleven... she's guiding your brood into Ferret heaven or to use our own language, fuzzie farmin paradise, or buzlet   broody games... ferret - fuzzi, and lil'uns buzzies...

Hundreds Pied pipered...

I know we chanmged their lives a bit...and mum learned to shut the fuck up and leave them be

To have eyes filled with glee..

And a new friend the braver ones stalking us all day....

So as to Be

with every Buzzy...

And ...etc

But why didn't i think of it then?! silly me...

ferrets are a tad foreign to even the 'achingly hip' of the region whom pretend to be all rustic. ... 

But theyre cool  with hedges..

even if you dont even find carcasses or skins in the hedges...ear... they all got killed, eat and poisoned and run over by the boy and girl stoned racers...decades gone

SO not only does one have a more socially acceptable babe magnet, but there is even a bit of the pity-fuck innit...

I think on the the sixth or seventh now...

With the buzzies it was always fun to look Jucy Lucy in the eyes at Hay Warren and after being asked for the info... 

"well ...apart from other things they have to have sex once a year or they die..theres a word for it i always forget..."

maybe so that today i could look it up and will be carted off to the funny farm if i am seen utterly in hysterics with 

on to drown out their rants...
near peeing in pants though i dont do toilet humour

One had to be there the real humour of the towny achingly hip, yummy mummies moved out to the wastelands i lived and  thought you are being 'funny... when educating them on how to educate their children they bought out to the rural wastelands.... to teach them about ... i know not what

But forget even if unforgettable the true joy of roaming vanlopeing... with a mobile zoo, and making so many kids happy - especially ones own with so many new 'magnetised' friends... and sometimes even educating them

It had not occurred.... a bit of hedge-pimping.... my my....
Even her - maybe nervy at our last meet when she said she would follow through on fuckerated rivers...and iof course didn't
And within five minutes of her young man encountering " aww...please...can we have it please.... "
"'s like this... there's a child here it was offerated to first, the day i found him.... even if sort of sideways.... now so many of you have met him....i mean... it's almost magic her top so wonderfully colourful full hedge and she had never even seen one....  " to two achingly hip yummeations..i know where the yummies yummerate ...
straight out of Vogue for yuppies who but expensive plots of land in Cornwall and Hay on Wye ...
and no ferkin way ever would spend ten minutes smiling and sucking up to a smelly old man in a van  washing his smalls in a car park... never that would not occur....
in fact... better be careful they may break in they so...DESIRE.... him...

Back to basics - now i start at the end end as the end game was in the can yestereve...

So it is time to get down to real brass tacks i have been holding back because theres only one thing that 'empowers' me.... 
The embodiment of true bliss at her little face lighting up.... " mummy can i touch it...its a bit ...spikey..."

If the bard had just left it at that rather than write such glorious wordfication in the ultimate dumpin'  ditty.... 
And had they a shared ferret or hedge maybe they would have put the animal first and sorted it bloody well out and not ended up in his tracks...

But can YOU've had a line in the indictment Don..if only people just kept to what they know is the ((polish version with their 'lofty intent'...) of the sublime...right and wrong...even a 4 year old knows

Anyway...war can now be declared as only the OPTION to  sucker in every acher...   all that green politicking from behind the wheel or her four rings..(audi) 

Every one i can lure and manipulate so easily with just one small spikey beast that...
[ultra acher, i mean we are talking Julia Roberts+ levels of conformist stereotypical 'beauty' always looks like its just au naturelle got out of bed but ......]: " but we can see you and him are getting on so well...maybe you need to keep 'im...."

Anyway war... all the gloves off and all the unsayable to be said fact yes time to uncloak some preloaded vids...

which proves i have a constant and superb memory...even if no woven fully together yet so some waffly reference a few days ago to GOOD 'narrative' and broadcasting that taught us to be human....

So i havent heard any of these 30+ years what a lovely moment..."yep there may be some on youtube" 
And top search engine MANIPULATED  despite he actual census figures out of the gobs of horses is only 3.5% are non hetero...

top of list is a homo one...

however....with such superb magnanimous adult dignity - " he bashed her up but she dealt with it in a human way" ..i have only heard one person say THAT for 20 years....of course she is not British...or has she been polluted i know not

But here is real life - brilliant used to educate us