Monday 14 August 2023

'spiritual' 'energy' guidance and mentoring. nett effect is REAL serious harm: a story

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Purpose. book 2 chapter 9 products: mind body soul work infantilises and harms. a story

stories of WHY super simplify.
That largely means cut back on expenses, and enjoy it.

Bu how evil* acts - of course we cannot use such a nasty word so lets use the right one 'deathly'  - likely to contribute to her early one..
I tried to explain zen this Christmas. I may mean that when one is flogging a dead horse - attempting to assist a healer queen con artist, if it 'fails' there is the duell purpose of being 'inside' a truly interesting phenomenon...

and keeping a record of it. Not because one word 'interests' me - but as 'case studies' two superb parallel ones in 6 months.
I didn't need to explore.
In the above audio is the story of one woman so damaged by a decade of 'healing' 'spirituality' ' shamanism' '  Be ing gurud',  'energy' work...or any kind of time wasting 'work' offered by  kiddult smiley children so they dont have to work ..shelf stacking in Lidl...  as are the 'practitioners' her friends, she is fucked in the head by her friend, and a basket case when i stumble across her 1 May ish... and her supposed sane friends cannot give her REAL life saving advice...
 the friends: herbalists, energy healers,  shawomen...all on daddy's money they so dangerous.  To HER!!! i spent 2 weeks with her and her genuine them...
They took over Hay, Presteigne, Clun even Knighton... likely even lower middle class bullneck racist-pig misogynist  brexity Kington

tags we dont believe in:
 ' fix my daddy's house ' the real version..

' nett effect of all soul guidance work = evil..'

more subjects  - hmmm...hard this, product support..

since making it and part 2 to load later

NFU insurance have been such goody goodies but i cannot show myself to them as ... well for the exact reason they are goody goody - the email in March having rumbled my no address..i ignored... and they still take my payments per month...

terms and conditions, who gives an f....


A second story of how all this truly damages the 'practitioner's soul...soon. And  though brexit ate the heart out of all 'community'  - only the slightly bookreader or writer types may be able to understand what it means and why....all such people were pro EU and thus my whole generation is dead in the eyes and will be for decades, except me...
i wouldnt wish Farage a bad cold... 

sun at last = slowdown...
give up..

Dear publisher in the story above is a superb little stand alone book in itself.... that in fact i DO have a responsibility to tort out...  the thing how to show NOTHING we should take personally - every day a new day... past follies ...even the practitioners could be fixed ... for real!!
and become a good writer about a true "dm me for change" 
....change necessary so women like Pep don't get further hurt and ripped off which will lead to her early death and continued infertility too, as sure as ferrets are ferrits...or fuzzies... or berrets ....then buzzies... 
or baby ones:  "BUZZLETS" ....oh god when little miss 6ish year old  wordsmith coined that !!..i am lucky i have memories.
(Estelle you had a superb childhood... thats why i need to therapise you too to remember FACT... never mind the side effect of evil acts  - women committing serial perjury in courts even in the press even if nasty man is nudging her and coercing her  - i had to film so so much of it for my own...your own 'protection'... i have never even had time to review it all - and one day that will be my joy..PLUS.. Toni Erdmann... kraut film about weird dad...i have here done my research: three fine well eucated middle class Krauts..i asked them "is it thought of as a sane good film..?" they all say yes... myself i was in two minds.... does it go 'too far'? But maybe these days  maybe for change there needs to be some weird online arthouse version of TE... i jus go with the decades of REAL thought and good literature and greatest films......WHICH HUMBLE ME...Tangerines did..Killing Fields despite photographing Sophie his wife a decade ago dressed as Cruella Deville...and meaning it....  leftovers2022 to be worked on soon...others have been adding in lately...maybe as clues...)
All change in UK generally starts with great books or plays...
or FILM...
As many - MORE humans have been damaged and infantalised by the above, by far, than the victim of Cathy Come Home...and that made a bloody fortune.
(that story is also far raunchier and so so much more interesting)