Sunday 24 September 2023

consuming even the 'big cat'

I upload video clips into youtube as my time and datestamped personal diary.... i wouldnt care a fig if 2 people clicked on a youtube video or 2 million. In fact i wouldnt notice as i never look at viewer numbers....and only extremely rarely even bother with a title - as in hedgehog bites man...


Dawn yesterday. At my nearly favourite Atchin Tan ( The Stopping Place, or 'Atchin Tan' in Romanes, is named after the now virtually non-existent traditional stopping places across the country, where Gypsies and Travellers would stop to rest for a few days.). Though Atchin Tans are a bit of a problem this region, even if i have zero interest as to why, and it is my last region...over 20+ years i noticed the changes in attitudes of the passing gawper....especially  2021 - in a region there is NO REASON ever to get into the peaceful headspace of anyone just parked up aside a hill   miles of nothing around....  prior to 2021 ones space would be respected..... no gawping, and certainly no 'need' to interrogate what one may be 'doing' simply aside in nature and in my case usually scribbling on a notepad....  The Marches going weirdly part fascist is the only interesting i have encountered as it was just about tollerable in the WAS 'notin' and that was almost valued and accepted....'20 and '21 changed that....and one day that needs to be described properly even if boring 

At that place a dozen times the last three months I have noticed it half a dozen always takes the same route - meandering along its favourite pathway before any traffic or noise begins, and clearly knows there are quite likely little crits to catch and have for breakfast...

Is or seems to be some 'wild cat' - a lot larger than most normal domesticated moggies, and perhaps the tail gives it away as truly 'wild' - rather leopardish...

But even if i couldnt give a toss myself and would tell no one, i wonder if 'they' know about it living here... aside a small coastal town 2 km away   - site of consumers consuming exclusive seaside 'retreats' and my my the amount of status motors! It really is Henley-on-sea... (even for their children status they drive up to the cliffs to utterly guzzle bongs and other packets of drugs that become litter blowing in the wind....and lethally high  women and men behind the wheel...i still think of whom they may kill!)

It seems - i know.... absolutely everyone for 100s of km would 'consume' the above, as in "wow we live in / visit/ second-home/ stay ... somewhere where there is a BIG CAT .. living up above..."

It would be news, facebook consumed, and gossipped about for weeks or longer... when who on earth in their actual right mind should even care about this albeit very beautiful, graceful poised crit...

obviously out of its 'wild' environment, probably escaped from some home or sanctuary or animal park or maybe its ancestors did.... there is nothing real, or relevant to any person living for many 100km ... and yet

All must consume anything which is simply....something to talk about... cleverly. 'Knowing'ly.. ... as if to avoid speaking about ANYthing real....

The sad thing is it is the REAL that is the only thing that is not only real life...but, even if horrid and nuts, alive

Fast forward a few hours.

Now..... i have seen it, and i am not a cynic. And in a strange way i was genuinely impressed. Apart from the opening scene, which was absolute confirmed GENIUS funnier than ALL of Monty Python put together... piss in pants genius funny, gorgeous, HUMAN real human art ... mutual, self parodying of the highest order....   

And then.... i know they SINCERELY looked for something to say....  they WANTED to come up with some 'answer' almost.... 

(well i have a few... e.g. 10 days ago wandering a tin mining valley a wonderful picture of REALITY  - historical fact, 

14 sept

 a picture, proudly  - no confected pity, showing the daily life of many a woman likely as it was for 100s of years.... (location cut off  - i keep my atchin tans to myself)

WELL understood they are getting the nice rounded end of the stick, the blokes having to go and crack tin or copper bearing rock underground even more dirty noisy and dangerous... they get the easy work of cracking rocks...

.....for 12 hours a safety above ground.... but no hint that they cannot crack rocks just as effectively and didnt earn their rock-cracking wages EQUALLY or needed any unequal  treatment other than the courtesy of being allowed to generally be in the 'safer space' of not underground where the death rate was far higher

I bet they could 'even' fix their own rock cracking tools themselves when they break....In fact would have PRIDED themselves of automatically knowing when they are close to breaking and figuring how to keep them going as long as possible with temporary fixes and then planning a big fix day maybe when the weather is too bad to be outdoors rock cracking.... automatically, without ay need to natter about it or show off or ego control anyone else showing off some special knowledge....

unlike ANY woman i have ever met for 15 years.... and even then there was only one...

which was the actual schism - knowing a decade ago the era had ended.... loneliness begins forever if one wishes to have a humble simple life at times working on the land with hand tools (without being surrounded by recovering junkies who are so dull - have NOTHINg to add to human knowledge or debate, especially as they block you the moment you ask them their "truth"  - not the facebook version, the actual one.... in some 'community' of trustifarians or the like sucking up to some rich bloke so as to use his land for 'community, who conned a local peasant out of his land at knock down price 20 or 30 years ago ) 

No women know that such work - so utterly magnificent for THE MIX.... not every day of course - we moved forward and know all sorts have mental capacity to say or write equally interesting things as even Stendhal... but i know a 100% FACT...a  mix of mind work and wonderful bodily zen work.... 

is really good for both.

No consuming, DOing....

But more than anything it seems to have an extra dimension to it  - careful thoughtful outdoor work, that creates truly good philosophical thinking and esteem IN that thinking...

THE 'mix' of both modes,  enhances THEMIX - but the sweat and smell are inherently also art of it... to BE Bodily as nature intended it - ALL of it... i knew years ago is the way to live... that inoculates against all the rather wonky other ways to live

to be cont