right to start at the end even if it's not quite the end, yet...
This is called ACTUALLY being 'aware' ...and human, and 'community' orientated too...:
even a few audios to a pretend muse, or just seemingly ok mind, make sure always you convert them into mp3 as its the most ubiquitous format
but of course no feminine person using any format can ever actually answer a simplest question that is in simple 'human' " could you open that file?"
so you need to be daddy and be their brain for them too..
.a habit i had to learn a decade ago
but its the end ...clear ALL away
human is
noticing.... from afar
gotta get back somehow
only one called me " daddy"
daddy fixs most stuff
and also has the poise and grace to know when the fixes work such that theyre an improvement on original
( there is a whole silent film to ho with this ...one day...perraps..meanwhile i always mean what i say... i know no one can read any more but i never read comments any more...i never even read a scattergun of emails this summer cos she can't read " digital communication isnt...communication"
only face to face is...
And only face to face keeps you human"