in fact the emphasis is on the 'and'....
ok to the hustlers and their schemes ...of
That's the thing, they cannot take in fact she Mrs Rach..... only added to the 'it' of it...
Mrs Rach....and err 'man'....
What a shame i didn'ee
begin the chronicle when we met her....
"oh we have a community here and yes absolutely there will be the corner of an old barn or shed ... you don't have to make it a terms and conditions you can take it from me.."
(In fill: now she cannot do one for slander, hate crime, her-ass-meant...lie-belle, lie.... cos she's dead and her kids will eckers snot be dead before their time, too.....but around the time of the article in the Torygraph showing the perfect Primrose Hilliness of Presteigne [ a proxy for Hay-on-Wye, the original sin] ...

[even the Torygraph cannot do their layout propper english thats not my error]
"Ahotel" owner has been fined £5,000 for having bogus star ratings at his historic country house.
Paul Williams boasted a three-star AA and Wales Tourist Board rating the outside of his 16th Century hotel to entice tourists inside...
ed[moi]s note: conning the visitors and incomers, the business of all these places.
The con.... but what a gorgeous, ultimate knickers down moment, actually fraudulently claiming Michelin stars or whatever it was and being sent to the assizes
But you have to really bring the con to life if you wish to have a jolly good laugh.
["watch this one lassy of the land, she texted you late at night NO sane person does that lets see....record every word"]
" oh i have a lovely community here...."
[says the .... well, it's about CLASS as so much... and if one has a lower class name, they aren't stupid - use the weapons of war of her uppers... a superb word for taking in old women - ex murderers - and claiming the disability element of her tax credit straight into her pocket as they waddle back from the social services where the once a year wheel out of the wheelchair had conned them all of course, once more..]
In short....a decade of hustlers and their schemes
And i may seem so disjointed
it's daft
But you have no idea the terms and conditions
Define prejudice: and an inner fraudulent bent, " no way.... bet it's dull as dishwater made the residue of a dinner of BBQd babies... be they one side or other of THAT 'war'...i may think i am a socialistish type but that would be too much digesting their dull diatribe...."
SO good to be
words: i never use the word 'ill' or the last two decades fundamentalist madness words of 'healing'..
Because i understand the body, which in fact should be renamed a symboid .... as we are symbiosis... in that it's almost always a symbiosis, technically 90% of our DNA of non-human origin....shame those pesky goddesses couldn't have sorted out that last 10%
but its always a dance
a tango to the death, or life...
One or other 'foreign body' vying to get the edge ...
A continual very very noisy argument in silence
Bugs other fince crits and viruses and bacterias; and whats the other form of 'pneumonia' ... always there but for some ineffable reason or other they may just have enough pipe bombs lined up to just get a firmer grip and toehold in a bit deeper and ... win the arms race thats the symboid issness and always has been...
And maybe, as August ... for some unknowable reason, like... (folornity) the pneumonias which are always around manages to catch one of the guards asleep at that big fence and....
'they' [pneumonias clever little things!] ... manage to run rampage for [what seemed like] only a day ..... they were going around traumatically raping my other cells and burning them out and all sorts of hate crime upon my jolly healthy fine handsome body...
And for a moment... they lead the dance. Were the Tango Mistress supreme and were in charge....
But their traumatic rape and pillage and attemped genocide of the other cells (just the way it is its their job to - they have equal rights to be celebrated and protested on behalf of [ "kill him hes no good to anyone"] ) ..well... leaves one buggered (wrong word - the loser of sorts in the glorious symbiotic tango dance of it all, just BEing...alive) for near three months...
til a week ago
So, life back.
Mrs Rachman although she only ever did his 'bidding', well not really...
oh yes very tangenty today but in my head it all is woven - the christmas jumper is now complete and perfectand all the weaves meet and make techincolour and it smells nice, too - no chemicals just pure "the smell of woman" (as a woman said recently i wouldnt be so rude as to think i know why these disgusting chemicals that are everywhere every time i open even vandoor in a faraway atchin tan and they walk 10 m nearby even on the coastal path for gods sake ... the SMELL!...)
keep on target!
right. Lassie Noonan....
how would she know that when she published her dad's awful dull subversive load of loo paper (none here) three years after he died of a symbiotic losing that round of the great dance competition in that case with the TB bug...
and 105 years later some prejudiced little cunt picked it up and thought " i have managed to avoid it until now, I just know it is undoubtedly so dull its daft these lefties i pretend to be part of no way can they ever qwrite properly without preaching and with real life innit....but i have nothing else left to read for now and....i am dying [strikeout - the mouldy house bug has the upper hand]..."
And after merely chapter one.
" fuck me this is so alive it is daft it is actually exactly about BREXIT now...." and then the rest...of it just so alive its daft and
could be about Mr And Mrs Rachers.... (said: "rackers" for the non English reader...its a weird thing to take the edge off your potential genocidere you sort of sweeten them up .... e.g. [wow HE had a long life!] " watch out or Trudders may bbq our babies instead ... [ Franjo Tuđman (Croatian pronunciation: [frǎːɲo tûdʑman]]
Anyway ehhh where woz eye
This is meant to be about ONLY the simplest life and it is all these things are linked.
Perhaps ("partly autobiographical") The Trousered one may well have been above slander and lie-belle.... as he was dead, but i care not as Mrs Rackers right out of it - that so wonderful book that DID change society, as i have every word, and action - three obvious true crimes - quite bad ones really... recorded and treble backed up.
so theres no way she even dare complain (as i as her tenant never would dream of her madness so sublime)