Tuesday 19 December 2023

handwriting ONLY ..now


... and a 1 page handwritten summary of that audio this morn...still to do.

I only care that ONE person ... Ms " bodily justice"  understand life is more complex..  or in fact wrote her own better than i can! version.. justice fairness etc is all so subtle... needs simplifying.  into something useful for our descendants perhaps

something that  explains.. sometimes... one can have the sad worst things thrown at you ... but it turns out to be real human benefit in real human lives

( define worst things: such as Heath had a completely false mefical slur thrown into a certain arena ..by Zelda... he was on psych meds age 18! .. [ as all brit women sadly seem to love doing making up sick nonsense about sicknesses..as a weapon]

when as a professional pilot that would be impossible as they have most rigorous medecal checks... and a good nosing through their medical notes by the aviation bosses)