But the killer line....
The Nerudaeyesation... we spoke for more than the hour... eye to
"I know this land...i mean Hay Festival of literary tarts... Maygone...on the way here, for one reason only i vame now i was donr....i went to have a last look and chroniclate.... i mean the program fakebook brochure...
" i measured the exact ratio of black 'n tan faces in tjir fakebook... it was 65% and almost all the white faces overtly gay despite the census stating only 3% dont want to shag the 'opposing' sex
" but just keeping on the easy to garner colour of face fakebook version... i would estimate actual non aryan attendence under 1% among the many thousads there..i dont really care about that weasel word scam ... i do that hardly any dark faces ever get onto the land, other than for a patronizing afternoon at a workshop bussed in as if in Kushner's bus to gaol.....
" Anyway.. even their wonky god was surpassed by the drunkard drunk also from bathing in chip fat and self hate... vos you either are an artist whom actually goes .. all the way...or not and best not to be adored and KNOWN to be ' genius' ..or fucked by every flygirl in Notting Hill.... cos he the ugly sweaty one... did it better... he got real life into it...
" anyway where was i...oh yes . .England...
" you will, i know, like my recentish European literature list on...how to live ...to live on .. regardless... with a twinkle in yer eye just like yours.. Bel Canto a rare example of not just Europeans still can live, new....
" but i realised long ago... especially after one gorgeous dalliance eminating from the whisky fumes burning off my fathers poor burned corpse that day....
" English girls.... the way you 'tell'... i can tell not youtoo.... them that are in love with her and him.... lost... going nuts in Wutherin Heights.... its the ultimate book about being in deathcult, neurodivrrgent, self pitying sexless love with. ... death.... .. what seperated
a would ban it..."
At which point i know something happened
No fuckin frog
or smartarse kraut with my taxcredit login code
as code word
can invent a paradise
in the worlds most gloriously nuanced
language of them all