Friday, 12 January 2024


 (" 0600... the yankee lapdog let off a pathetic two million quidders...and the big dog 58.... fry em raggedds the national sport of  ...pays for Cornwall's potholes bein fixed..")

Patti needs a bit of walkin to deal with the expanded butt, but

She can still do it 60ish...

Anyway its as if the ultra stoical nowiness all came to ass high upabove their

place of only selfishness


 His ideas, including support for a liberal economy, free and equal public instruction, constitutional government, and equal rights for women and people of all races, have been said to embody the ideals of the Age of Enlightenment, of which he has been called the "last witness",[3] and Enlightenment rationalism. A critic of the constitution

But her,Mrs Mouthfull



Marie-Louise-Sophie de Grouchy

nee Grouchy

i need to be called that best ever footstamper of aname ever

Condorcet was also a writer and a translator, being highly educated for her day, and was fluent in English and Italian.[2] Her most important philosophical writing is The Letters on Sympathy, which was published in 1798.[3] She was also an influential translator of and commentor on works by Thomas Paine and Adam Smith.

a commentator ehh..... she saw through the pouffed up cant and vanity and wanted to do BETTER

I needed a REAL Queen

Bees got tangled up in a microplastic stew...

And i guess will sadly not Be for long (the ammount of mid 50 year old once powerful pokey nuclear tipped women that kick the bucket just like a fact)