Thursday, 18 January 2024

You may laugh

 ....but mine smile, only ... due ....her

That BBC... 

Apart from ( you wont know) the 05.40 business news woman for some months being literally plucked off an American business cable news tickertape ....

A decade ago they went weird... a rural person ( no one here would know about this, or be able to put themselves in anothers boots -  which is a good definition of not being

' narcissist'  which really should just be  newworded ' cityist' ... cityists make up silly new words and fake complaints as they are bored as they dont have to  sometimes daily struggle to get through  the  ACTUAL weather, which  used to be an honourable matter of reporting it accurately. And a real rural peep may in fact check it on still the only reliablISH site bbc weather, about 10 times a day to plan the day and the ones ahead...around it... or rather flowing and dancing with it...

  But it became most notable maybe a decade ago the BBC would 'over' forecast winds and storms..  ie. risk averse  nasty bastards covering their arse .. not wanting to ne sued if they underforecast a rare real blower

The amount of times the last decade i have blocked out days as totally lost to monsoons and 150kmh howlers..acording to bbc weather online ... that never arrived

But so weirdly they almost always underforecast the freezing nights... last winter  i would often  check the weather here... despite being iced in there.... in minus 10

...never any heater... 

(the bottom 1/3  need two per burner or car narcissist  'green' can tell you a nation of spazmoid Wombles...)

Lasternight was the coldest even if bbc dictated not even icy. Because the coffee water froze a bit. For the first time.

But .... lasteryear... most of the winter, the true test of a man, or i am quite a sure a " feminine" would have managed to smile  quite  eually, as we 99% of our reality and the 1% is well known as only usable   in certain standard circs ... of being actively fertile ( the most mindbody of all in a weird way)

smile at the frozen solid pee bottle.... most of December through March lasterwinter..

and as i did winter 2010/11 the coldest for 30 years, offgrid unheated...

and lastereve they said was approaching it ( in last region they lie -5  bullshit  you can tell whwn it goes to - 12 ish...  pee freezes maybe -7   gas absolutely solid -10...

i know what its like

and primobably wouldnt have survived another winter like the last.... there