Especially as it has evolved... judt
4 years hence [ sic, latest data], there are so many millions ahead of her in that particularly British form of queue...
That, for a trial, the national sport getting someone done for some imagined tboughtcrime.. whom you once said teal lovely things to....
" Y'er on Herrrr.. my defence wont take very long... . as long as we can pop out and get a copy of her bible... plenty round about in all the 10p bins .... charity shops litterin all the streets...
" cmon stick your hand on it... ..
"Now .. by the Power ... vested in his ugly Tolley face...[ 'oops, i withdraw that Yer On'.. crossing over the actual immutable hatespeach line']...
.." swear...
"...we know you read it... ...or we wouldnt Be here would we, now. ..
"as i knew you would...and still do .......
" ehhm [ adjusting wig, not nervously, just to be Fully Monty... she laughed at that] ."..theres an innate little thing
"about all this folklore, before we get to that
we have to establish fact
in the small print we have to establish..
" de facto... ssss
" of the act
." ..... NOW ...swear... on your bible...
it did NOT... ot even once
" make you....
" can you. .? ...
" Be cause i dont need faked 'second sight'
" i just know ...
" i do"