Friday 16 February 2024

just one of many last days

photos refs for video waffle  in linked page   below

oops i can't say that, i know that poem was quite good... and the actual mindbody THE mixed lived 'in the moment' described,  more than mere tarting art around...  real.

yesteraft, see vid thistermorning 
on page 

oh yes yesteraft... don't even breathe..
Dells are so wonky they cannot retain the hole to stickyinbit ' connection'  more than a few years

van existence 


Against the nosey bad energy  walkonby

It REALLY works...

vid on page

Dual purpose

All i have left is her silly Indian wipe...

Now, as atop....

 " valentines week"  i heard someone on the BB C today spinning it out for even more moneyspend

When the best way to officially ( at LAST the government rekeased the data last summer) save at least 20% cashwise..and likely 40% emissions wise...

No atomised Miss Amne Thrope green will even mention...

nor risk averse council

double up!!

I always win on the deal....

And perfectly clean desk, reprise..


Snd there i am wandering around in the sun tinking of my own happiness... and writing a poem in my head about it..

In my damn face....

Thelma and Lou time...

but hang on

she is just so so good

But hang on...

" I saw you out of my mirror and thought " god another neurotic nervy rich fancyvan, sunutban traveller... with OCD cleaning disease the way you were seemingly angrily attacking with materials what i thought was a  kitchen implement... most other van people obsessed with having 3 kitchen sinks on board... i was as a work of performance art just sitting watching...   pondering the nervy   default dance  of even people at this sublime spot... and ferk me... you are worth two grand ..and an... ascetic....and

.. really really ride that liminal space ...  full bodily..."

my art has epics behind it
senseless unless you
start at the start

 and anyway, nope forget...

 no one dare REALLY riff ... this one dimensional 
no not hologram bloodystuck place