Tuesday 20 February 2024


 Be Bee Bea...

Infectedtoo by this self obsessive billions and  Biljanas of them

Theyre taking over now....

Everywhere .... 

poor little no-daddy,  to daddy them properly into


For for your whole legion of Eckarts ...  ( i see many new East Europeans, in fact its default: Vanlife portugal full of them, " im a supersexy ubershaman van babe.. freedom wheeling...with loads of bling and sunglasses....come to my site... to be shamanised into......smiley  selfies just like me)   parasitising... 

 Eckart the chief...

whist i doubt he ever  managed to think about anOTHER... long enough to explain to their kids.... do the hard work of remembeting anOTHER.....if in a rural garden even....

.. "Bee !... gob shut.. and Bee ... still" .. 

then you may live in real balance and harmony... 

or just stay alive

Therein, below, last waffle,  is what REAL.. Being nothing

real zen

real un-egoing

real ferkin "community.. "


 and still is

Even if never no more, here.... anywahere...

 where London spread her lowesteemed arrogant little tentacles... the others still stretching back down South East,  dipped into the arms trade, property, finance, wellBeingconning.. honeypot

or it couldnt afford to Be here  


( and a real " human" pities the parasite...not the host... no fun just living of others bling, blood...or dancing sweat... no autonomous real  humanity im that)