Saturday 2 March 2024

"reactive" ( "humans") doggies are for cookery..." humans" real.

 even if only one left

" .  have you read A Little Life..?.some Nonny recommended it but as a Steinbeckian i only trust you and know you like real you havent...looks like same old trendy bad boho confected  pity-moan bullshit of trendy ex Londoners ptetend theyre at home in a cesspit swamp........   

"  no, you personally....  nohhh you........yooooo..... you are MissQuoting me back to me....yoi know me better than to do that....... not the others am talking [ whispering] am telling you before i never come back.... .. you are the only ' human' one left in the whole land... and i hear you sprak, so quietly, and i feel daudade.... and that is the only real cpmpliment there is..... only you do that

"and .hahh hahh....i saw you...blush :-)"

Meanwhile last act

sat, Buddah in the old jalop...

" i can't miss that.... the nrw post madness mote mad land.... [ you see these everywhere now even their poor mutts must have fuckin labels ..that probably cost mote than all of my clothing put together...] ... run.... gotta capture the picture that sums up..... and theyll be too .my-special-doggy-performative to even notice my rather ectended photoshoot...."