Monday 29 April 2024

" believe"

 so, at what could be the last atch...

Even if Dickens' Mister Micawber  is so 180 degrees, exactly wrong in  his famous

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.”

And indeed I don't even need to thumb a page of this, to know there will only be one dimension, and that will be subtly bossy, and of course 100% 'authentic' as long as the royalties cheques are there reserving the rights... to ... run away. 

Or forget ones past self. Especially as it is the problem, in that piety and earnestness never works... especially in wonky UK..... 

And if you maybe care about the planet for ones kids' future, it means ...always... no matter what; but really means, figure ones own hypocricies, first... far too " radical" for the middle class Saltrockians .... shame, in that it's the key to being happy at any old quay...

( note to self, xxx ... the various quotes and clips from several years: NO supposed caring commentariat can ever ever remember the zen fundamental of less is more.... and that giving up almost all, one is in the lap of the chief fairy, must let go into what she ...

.may have plotted for Micawber...

"have no doubt I shall, please Heaven, begin to be more beforehand with the world, and to live in a perfectly new manner, if—in short, anything turns up"

... but thats 2010 on ' belief' ... a tough one, as all the rest use such naff words...and i wish to have the absolute no showoffs around me total quiet hermitude, to have the 'space' for those words maybe to last... who knows, cos anyone who says they know what the ' divine' 'deal' is, is suffering from grandiosolity... or trying to scam a living from bad books or the like...)

All i know, is the past: despite the grandiositiest words, not one person i ever knew  of many,  performing ' light footprint' or rather wordsmithing such every decade new words,  ever stopped to take a long long hard look and think, about what it really ones local " community"....

Someone will have the skills or experience in salvaging, protecting, the rotting wood.... but people cannot stop being people, and even think like the 'god's  they pretend to have some track on, and think objectively: my my  talk about total failure to look after  and reuse virtually all this planet's 'resources' ...  because that would mean actually sharing for real ( skills, stuff, transport, TIME) and putting ' feeling' aside... always.... I have known, and photojournalised ( artfully - no simple pointing cameras at some miscreant, but trying to tell real stories, magnanimously)  for years,  that it never regions far less London-wealthy than Pastylandshire.

Thing is, " hope" ... such a wrong way word of feeling good. Feelgood comes from accepting and dancing with actual reality. No matter what it is.

And as for something turning up, if there is some ' schema' well i know one maybe-rule: that you have to stop being yourself... been, done; good book on it one day....