Thursday 4 April 2024

* farmer Helen

 as she well knows... from our many liaisons at her hedge

me cycling by

and best one of all sat in her pickup cab - a rare pickup or Discovery, actually needed for the farm, rather than the compulsory 5wd down here... 

that day in April 2020 ... having flagged her down.. me on old bike ...she the one always gave me the ' farmer finger' = in it together.. FOREVER solidarity,  even if, quite obviously mental mindfuck material  ... for diy later on she knew and loved being 'desirable' to every poor randy farmer  hadnt had a screw decades, for 100km...

actual convos:

" god you sexy sheep smellin farmer....  this is PARADISE....this stop....  we can just sit here middle of the mainish road, way in to [ 2 km west, her farm 4 km west] Presteigne.... and no traffic at you have time free!! 

...  ohh who would have thought life could be so sweet.... so howr you doin ××"

xx ... kiss kiss plato sort

And then the ... ' healer' comes by

...  very ugly, looks sick..sells hot homeopathy ..... bullshit smelly  yoga.. nazi healing ... ( ended up in just a few weeks another yellowjacketed  herder on and out of the local shop.. as if we couldnt read ' only 3 in at a time')

anyway theres me and the sexiest farmer ( not " farmers wife" .. farmer; her hub the butcher) in the land..... 3 or 4  years older than i,  but looks like a gorgeous fresh meet teen...her SPIRIT..... forever young.... it shows!!... us sat in her cab that April.. ( i have the tapes as all 2020 i just rit poetry as i meandered)

no one else driving for miles until the healer comes by ( lives 1 km away) ...and the healer  screeched to a halt... actually does A Sweeny ... seeing my old bike -  she knew well, leaning on Helens tank....middle of the road.. " ohh its him.... he must be raping her.... i must rescue her... this is crisis!!! 9999...  99999.... got him NOW!!....

ohh... hang on...[ as she  fiercely 999 belts  round to the front]... they are laughing and smiling..".... our eyes jointly said fuck off, you lost you evil sick  parasite.

  Helen always ( actual ex model from Manchester  and PR business queen, and got on Cuntryfile 

" simon they filmed me dogging..yes... but they cut out the bits of me not able to control them as i have no idea how to do sheepdogs..all a scam.. for the  BBC cameras you know me the sexiest farmer for miles"  ) 

" Helen you are the ONLY one who made the.... ' transition'... i ever met... as you know from me stalking you around the aisles of COOP...  so often..after our first meet 2015 and as you know lust at first sight......"

back to stalking, in coop aisles: 

" .. sniff sniff..... hark.....  sniff...hark...i smell the scent somewhere of REAL woman...of the land... ... whom one cannot smell,  as she in fact has on her favourite parfum... eau de sheep shit.... its you hi ... i smell you are still the ONE real landwoman... and as always the only one in here ....radiating a real smile... "