Saturday 6 April 2024

so, the conversation...


I heard 

the word.

That really does describe what happened...

And how, even a Serb of independent mind, 

( and this i saw begin 10 years ago.... having slept with a true archetype of sick little rich girl, officially rejected by her " daddy" so she makes

 - officially so, caught with pants down a decade back - ultra conartist Patrick Holford her real new paid-for, daddy ..  18 years ago) is sucked into their " movement" ... pimping things... remedies, detoxes, feminine bullshit,  just as tacky as Alex Jones ' supplements'...  

And even a wise older " bird" tries to sugest to me their " movement"  is anything more than a neurotic  self oitying must-get-attention movement...of failed bodily obsession poor conartists pretending they have some  " tree sister" hood ... so many one saw as of 2020 go into hyper online bodycon, mode....

" you can suport me ,  by suggested donation of"  at keast Alex Jo es is fat and in your face enough to say " gizza dollop  of cash for tjis oriduct omly i sell.. keeps my mad self promotion, saying nothing, in business..."

..  rather than DO ing anything real...about the trees....

to Be

continued....  the film is now ready