Thursday 4 April 2024

stormbringer... ( subtitle, the Merm Queen of Gwerk)


soldier of fortune


how on earth.....

Can this  have gone and ...

out of the blue. . been put up such superb audio

( Mrs Buzz liking her heavies)

popped up just when i needed ..


to go ALL the way...

As the chronicles 


 sat having her free fish n chips Gweek shitcreekside, last June the 12th ish...

" ehhh.... [ you can see her sat there refusing to know i am there, valentines day film clip, here, thisyear]... so.. ehh you look so so  yogaish....

  [ we are talking 53 year old ultramerm.... who performs tiedie yoghurt  on the shitcreek bank...

in expensive tiedie sarongy stuff.... so petformative its a place where all see when i am sure she has a back garden or many rich trustafarian RupenCam friends with expensive private no entry  acres...]

" ....ok so you ' manifest' an NHS dentist and an appointment is available the moment you call them that morning...... well your vudu must be better than hers 300m down the creekside, there... from your yoga spot.... . as she told me she couldnt manage  to get one for love or money ... 

but this job of yours....  parasitising the broken bodies  and minds of the  cannon fodder up TheRoad [ McCarthy. none of them " human" enough to bother reading one half decent literature book ... that one about her: flesh eating zombies after an inspecified  war or little problem]

" now you got kids... i really do hope you 'manifest' ...being fucking... 'aware' ... of truly great culture and what your poor victims should have been told by their mumzzz...i know there there are no men  in this county of hotridding the mumzzz may have stood in.... if they had a brain....

" if you really do care....your painted on smile no more sympathy and confected caring parasitical Gweek  mermaid smiley


" with you caring sweet words to your patients... 'you have a broken "ptsd" mind...'.. wrong 

label sweetpea, ' 'zombieparent' disordered mind .. ... she ...mum....will be performing pity me all over Fakebook 'for my brave warrior or son.... M** from Gwerk  is now caring for  his broken mind and body' ... when  love... if you actually CARED you would be informing them that its their mums fault.... cos we had... about 3 times a decade in the 70s 80s on the 2 channels....  the GREAT culture  movie,  xmas reruns many years...which so brilliantly showed..

is real genius....

shows unfirgettably.... war drives you mad  always has always will...

 so if you let your lad anywhere near it.... 

" youtoo...are complicit.. in his braindeath ...and lifetime of 'ptsd' ... pain..

" if your mum didnt kidnap you age 17 from the queue to sign up... shetoo is just as much  cause of the rest of your life, mindfucked... and anyway mostbof our 70s 80s music filled in the gaps too... war viilence destroys the warring...too.. she never deserved a child to perform fakevpity for...' now'..."