Wednesday 29 May 2024

All they Be came.. just a ' service econnomy'

That is one notch down from a theme park.

Neither good for the human....methinks.

In fact i had not simplified it into what is in front of my eyes many a day:

On the path...

Their S W Coastal path, not mine...i don't go on bucket list  or  fixed route and mileage  missions ...i just meander.

I am " impressed" .. there is that trap created by the metrosex casteratti!

There is no reason whatoever to have ANY opinion, precisely.

There is no ' feminine' nor manly...

75% of walkers - proper missionary marchers,  are in fact  female.

And if we take out the performative - i just think of as conurbative-neurotic - cannot be seen marching a days march without all the kit from the latest expensive kit, catalogue

It is in fact the women who are the jolly good oldschool, weather immune,practical rainwear, real walkers...

I see them. Not showing off. Just getting on with it km after km... perhaps 30 a day.. ... not moaning about the weather...  rugged, good stamina...pacing themselves well...  knowing that blisters are part of life and not any kind of performance needed thank you...

Many are in fact 30ish...

Stoical .. good  stamina... no drama

A fine version of modern real woman

No differences woman and man at all...  except the sign on the shower door. ( in and of itself decidedly British a neurosis) 

But what does one think of or term this?

One couldnt get an equal human  of the other sex, to do equal work restoring old rotting wood in the environment or just rescuind reusable wood,in the environment...

but they are quite equal -in faxt i would say better versions,  of quiet stoical trudging along any weather toughies....

Is it that ' sport' .. as they may consider walking, i never have... is exempt from ...mind games, or footstamping or wrongheaded post victorian ideas of all is  oppression or whatever excuse for coquettishness ..

I like comimg accross women walkers.We have ( many) good easy chats.They are rrlaxed and ruddy cheeked. at ease in their skin or damp kagoule or sweaty pants.. ( though always on a schedule to be there, the chats arent long enough).

Male walkers all far far too uptight and rocket fuelled ( spurt and die), and the kit is even more important to them.... i avoid....

Does everything now have to be ' i am equal to you long as it is to an approved men you....or to MY interpretation of a peasantnt dance ."...  dog owners-  real country  ones,know you must let a dog BE a dog.... and not always on the lead .. .) 

But at least i know i was not wrong, 15 or more years ago ( except for one) .. "bleedin ell... not one has ever rolled up her sleeves and done a bit if the hard sweaty work  you need to dotoo if living very very rural fringe... this is no life, for woman or man.... ohh errata there aint any wimmin left theyve all moved  away to be nearer Harvey Nicks... sportwear dept..." 

i gave up....  but at least i know i will die happy. Dying of false representation is not only against Sale of Goods act.. ( does it apply to ' services' too? i guess not or the womens prisons would be as over populated as male...) but causes you to die with deeper lines on your face and forrid...  

even the ancients had figured that one out before their trendy word ' shaman' was a blink of her bling fillled eye