Thursday 30 May 2024

dont' taboo me, cos it was metoo

 24th May, in the morning....


The ' spectrum'. The most waste of time waffle ever as i have known for years no one wants to even attempt real talk

in audiofile downloadable too...

even if no idea why i waste a second in this utterly wonky society


( not a spaz, 

though once woz)

And as maybe 50% of the significant females  in my life the last 15 years do draw the line at any 'debate' as to spectrumism.... and i know a child ... once.

she was brainwashed for sure into thinking she was on their ' spectrum' to suit others...

Definately a new tyranny-lite; and funny thing is eventually they are all  rethought these fundamentalisms....

By which time i will have died of boredom, no grown up chat about this or anything