Sunday 19 May 2024


The last post... just a work om progress  if i have nothing better to do, i never do, sadly...



 Not that it is possible to know what ' complete' means ref the magimix of mind 'n body..

But i forgot, bizarrely, not even a twinge of toothache since December ish  2022  

" my my i am astonished,  indeed flabbergasted, you listen and registeted and remembered... unlike anyone else i have communicated with for some years,  i was getting the train today to the dentist.." 

And sadly my eyetooth was also that day  diagnosed as beyond fixin....yanked out...

But still, that - no tooth wonkiness at all since that day, or even occasional routine minor infected  gum pain,  an often enough standard feature of being 50+...i really dont get....

bodilyzen " im ok Jack so shut up" 

it cant be because of the ' c' word can it?? ... that truly seemingly   foreign word  in these so ' smart'-people times saying every fuckin word.... other than  "committment".. can it?

 nope that would  be stupid....