Sunday 19 May 2024

So, Sunday...


Is ... ???? 

But it must have been twenty or even thirty years?

Most of the time ( another constant) ... body clock gets me up 6ish...

And Sunday i always religiously enjoyed, except on vudu juju wuwu wank days ( in fact the" yoga" lot.:  "the key to my   blissy wireless  tones  is plenty of hot  or other brands of ' meditative' yoga .."  by far tge least happy of many came to my pastlands, their blissy yoga bending didnt extend tp picking up syrewn tools or wood or metal of their chikdrens' toys....all rotting in their ' rewilded' gaden rubbish heaps... so i did my actual mefitative state)

 the enjoyable culture found in Something Understood.... no more as of 5 or 6 weeks ago....

( i have manny episodes recorded, over the kast 20 years  naughty me.... i shall upload here one day soon... cos the nean creeps always timevlimited them to 30 days only available...)

And now we have to put up with this non time limited Sunday  0605 morning nonsense..

Beyond Belief on Monsters... and ultra vudu

which over time i realised was so often part of a sales pitch.... ( " buy my dodgy new book on i am a sad fake witch who has wonky dreams and want to monetise them...." )

I thought they were going to for sure have on the ultra monetiser of ' stories' and trendy  trollish and Gollomish artwork npne of which is new...  ... from London, a MACHINE of PR...

 about literally nothing at all ever...( except 3 or 4 mths ago a begging bowl of about 5 long paras... as if ' patronage' was some new ethereal invention of this generation of the ' insightful' ... i have read her ... nonsense....looking for  signs of ' wisdom'...)  Rima...

So no more SU

No more Steve Wright

( Sunday ' Lovesongs' wasnt about LOVE was about him.... alone ....on this planet having simply brilliant sardonic undertones,  in always tongue on cheek mode, a truest ever genius,  laughing at... and WITH us.... at that great big flea pit of an abyss ..... the committed relationship... you either sufgocate within, drown in or... bob to the top when it gets floofed,  due to wonky drainage backing up...

.... But i am string and constant and gealthy enough not to even for one minute really regret two for on....


in one month

 the " moral" of the story - yes morality is a THING upon which civilisation is based and a bit inconstant about...... is make hay while the sun shines.... as you never know when your tide will never come back in afain, just lije tgat, out if the blue.... so as to refloat your boat... 

carpe diem

except thats a sex  or thought crime in this lost isle

so font even Bee ...happy...

That pisses them off too....

I need a wife with EU papers... or imminently,  soon...!!. or a best seller that gets around their pesky   borders 

( imagine ME

after age 18 and  on for 20 years NO borders... general aviation pilots just fash their license or go through the baclk door no controlls..  took up with non EU lass as girlfriend partner married so she could stay 27 years ago.... other words i have not had a REAL  voluntary marriage, NO paperwork for her to get her passport stamped ..or almost none...and no ' requirements' such as work or cash....

And now, if i met a Croation in Croatia even after they acceded soon ... she has to earn 30 k, 40 k soon... to be allowed in ...

( and as i would never marry or take up with anyone earning that kind of cash unless it was anto capitalust nice "human " writing no Tolle crap claims ...all just " may...Bee... we can save the Bees..if we dtop Be" 

which you cant maje any money from....

(all a hamster wheel of wmotional vandals   if you adk me..)

and september,me:  no EU docs... ... fingerprints " photo of eyes" which means biometric scanners just like USA....

imagine how unhappy  I feel

My daughter ONLY EXISTS as  i was in Poland  1997 working FOR the EU on new high def  aerial photos, for new maps of the whole place, a condition of their accession....

the unhappiest impossible gurn of events, whole EXISTENCE ...identity.... was Europe

most important influence in my pre 2022 life was Katrina,  as she had 3 half Frognips...and had just returned from 5 or so years living in Frogland.... so we had yrue affinity...

I amEU

which IS ' modern' " human" ...and worked.

and i sleep the same perfect 8 hrs sleep

no issues

no illness....

fine memory..


except everyone else lies or is lost....

oh well. ..