Wednesday 1 May 2024

well, i never...

 since 2006, in fact; those little 'divine coincidences' - BBC approved- Something Understood, professorial  language, no shamanic faeries involved just....


if there is something....

I never since knowing there is ' something', and often double checking myself for 'connection disorder', or hearing things,  have had a reverse syncredent, reported in to me..... in fact ferk me, what a narcissistic  self obsessive i am, proving right every woman one ever talks with about anything,  since about 2009, when  they began to spend all night knowing everything ....  cos some professorial dolly bird is spouting claptrap about ' inf j' or narcissistic pd or whatever the next fad will be among those who dont spend all day just busily BEE ing in nature, as today...the only sunny day for the next week... so theyre up til 3am on their illmaking cimputers... learning so so much about all the illnesses of oersonality, everyone else must have..

nope they are right about metoo

i never even considered, another human may also have one of MY!! syncredents.... about, me!

And thus am flabbergasted. Especially as... 

Ms Heat Pipe song....  impossible! at last.....

But i still dont know what they are ' for' .... and anyone who says they do,  has double NPD...