( ref something else yesterday.. linked....many holes to fill in this only part revealed daily sublimish symphony, poking its nose into my endless odd essay)
a work in progress!
As is all my million words: first draft
But... real art.
. Ai WeiWei ... response!
with poise..and grace ....and
the x factor.
Even i learned...by.. living it... on the cliff edge. No safety harness
without ever caring to be really insulting as i never met ANY one worth the bother...just a hell of a lot of " stuck" people
i may mix a pallet, or forms:
if it were me
another layer of paint in [ her] fat forground she showoff armdanced; very thinly tracing out some words, as if an oilslick on their perfect bay of Utopia:
i must find the better website that explains etymology of the polish word for 'the sublime'...i have it linked here a few months ago ... " lofty intent" etc., as so enjoyably preached
' goodness'.. i am not a cynic, and know what it means.
footnote, by accident i reoeated the above in front of said bad mannered woman...i didnt notice her as i spoke with another... ,'artist'
i am never so rude to confront anyone
it was a gorgeous Mobty Python oerformance piece...
twas poetical indeed
her .
. stuttering sweet .. waffle
and inabity to rebutt... no 9ne needs you know what she was and is like all the rest...of so many ( i told her i just writee poems about...the...reality of people like her)
she left, sweetly smiling, turning
( me on the Priests Cove bench)
" enjoy writing your poetry"
she did kindof mean it, knowing caught with her knickers down....
but she never said " sorry"
they never can.
a folder of film of the CHOLTAS of Bolivia can be found drilling down in above mylinks tab
i shall put it here tomorrow
I am at my gonzoish art every day from.0530... 7 days, 365....
trying to somehow say
badly...better than nuthin' but safe anodyne nonsense... all around
and dead by teatime...