One, only.
But what is it?
I know in my inner minds eye; the one they all stole in their promo material - iconising some vudu mumbo jumbo wuwu Charliesmile bullshit "community" version of...nothing, as they are nothing except PR...."propaganda "... to quote the world famous bull neck steroid fan ...(even if they dont actually partake they look for all and every 'natural' alternative)
That picture of the one all seeing eye....
Only one person was allowed to use that icon (2006, Cardiff Arena) and I am pretty sure it was kindof ironic....
Anyway forget all that, in my inner one there is a gap. One certainly shouldn't invent new words since thats been one of the main problems several decades but there really IS one missing:
But, right, wotizit?
For now one of the best sports of late has been at last.... at LAST.... " [shut the fuck up with your] .... sorry... [eyelashflutter] you have been Miss Led.... art, great words, GREAT WRITING especially is NOT in the eye of the blinded beholder.... only one bird-bloke combo ACTUALLY got on Top of the pops with [his] HIT ... because they alone took it to the next level... there is one....
wow fuck me emotional or wot, i never had TIME to look her up.... never seen before the face and face-body of one of the extremely few like hens teeth who... have 'IT'....
Górecki was largely unknown outside Poland until the late 1980s.[12] In 1992, 15 years after it was composed, a recording of his Symphony of Sorrowful Songs with soprano Dawn Upshaw and conductor David Zinman, released to commemorate the memory of those lost during the Holocaust, became a worldwide commercial and critical success, selling more than a million copies and vastly exceeding the typical lifetime sales of a recording of symphonic music by a 20th-century composer. Commenting on its popularity, Górecki said, "Perhaps people find something they need in this piece of music ...
I bet they dont teach that in cultural relativism classes or intersect gnat brained bullshit bollocks about all are manifestly equal in letting go into The sublime....
(never mind the little issue, of some of the locals .... getting their meal ticket ... assisting the... and how for decades no one was allowed to even write a song about that little n in the bodypile..)
It's like that one forgettable, who Beck used as his eye candy (to divert the audiences gaze from his in fact limited repertoire) at Ronnie Scotts .... Cos she went to Glastonbury and bought the rigjht kit in S Ken market so looked the part...of course the thickeratti of the day (well last few decades) go and deify her...
When Goddess material is indeed only handed out occasionally....
Whist this channel not only decries (posh anti-wank word 'hate' stolen and imagined) the not-at-all-'diverse' tendency in almost all so called 'alternative' media which indeed is dinosaur in that it IS the 'media' with even Washington Post etc now failing, of all these British channels thinking it is compulsory to have ...
lets just say that over a decade ago anyone with a brain knew that if you have millions of young women do 'media studies' at university rather than Cleaning Person studies... it will not end well. And hasn't. In that the mushrooming of truly atrocious no-brained presenters there now are ... errata their brain is hot wired to: " say something that sounds good [in concert with you looking good due learning PR at Cheltenham Ladies..., immediately, before the thinking circuits have a chance to think of what * newword * circuits are doing to you and causing you to spout a kind of 'professionalised' nonsense ...
Towit one magnificent mind - Baroness Booker.... even if even SHE doesn't rhetorisise any more in simple actual REAL MLK type great rhetoric " .... look you eye candy little dose of anything that comes out of your mouth.... MY bloke and his prize..... i knew it was goin' wonky when, not 'all must have prizes' as there is only one winner and in 2018 clearly the 'capture' had begun as i too couldn't put it down... because only one geniusgoddess or god for that matter has managed to combine unpleasant brutality and cruelty and personal madness with some other 'it' that is a kind of poetry, and the sum total made Mars Room just about the most perfect work of art this century...perhaps the judges didnt like her story of self castration.. whatever....she alone got 'it' .. that year and maybe this century ... END of story, and my point...... "
The weather.
wowser..... i always thought it was an actual dictionary defined word, but it was hers....
Tear of Nature
why wont this stupid webpapge allow copy and paste
maybe forcing the browser to watch the video even better than the other one on Tube, and perhaps asking the question, only mad people wear make up and thus as Kushner slightly did, show the grotesqueness of such (relative) madness by wearing even more stupid grotesque makeup than the rest to make a point...
Anyway that's all harder to riff upon
But my my her words... gosh why had i never thought before to attempt to look up translation? I think she alone nailed it - what is 'nature' for?
(note to self don't for gods sake forget that Aaron Bastini racist (more correctly put propogandised, his poor little mind SO SO *word* infantile) anti-German quip ... in oldschool days if some (he thinks he is) superstar said " ohhh and as for Europe lead by germany well we may as well forget about it its so utterly buggered now" an actual interviewer with .. A ...mind, would quip back, " ehhh so Mister princess Bastini ... so ... why does Germany have a base rate [bank of Krautenland national goalpost interest rate] - established by the kindof free market international currency markets.... that is half that of Britolin.... ehhmmmm really so Germany is fucked relative to Britain...say...ok well lets just go with your .....ok if you say so so self regarding smilingly ..ok .... well until your mamma has a space in her agenda to pick you up and kindertransport you to...... kindergarten.... ")
Anyway ... weather.... and art...and the 'IT' factor...
Mrs Hagen The true Queen...
As it ... when you live as i do ONLY by the weather..... it is for reminding us it - life.... is all a big bowl of cherries....
i wonder who said that?
(indeed the missing *word* is the very opposite of that phrase - a self aggrandisement - believing in ones own words cos " I SAY SO"... etc)
But of course add in the .. thing.....
( i hadn't realised that even the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex' is variable - Lex going against the grain of fifty years of actual CULTURE ... which in the mystical subconscious way that culture works, had quite correctly described to us how military.... is just one of many 'industrial' developments... corporatisation or big businessisation and farming 'medicine' etc are all in that big bundle of joy...
The Mon (olith) adds in terrible media, the tyranny of the 'healing' paradigm - much more on this soon, really crap music, and worst of all really really duff 'public intellectual' stuff being rolled out industrially everywhere... that wont stop and THINK or dare to say anything about what in fact does deep down propagandise so so many ordinary peeps...
(an industrialisation of pity as currency, and add in some false notion that if we were in the correct universe faeries ..or 'selkies' ...or even 'shamen'. would be in charge and all would be well... which until i left The Marches where that nonsense is about 50% saturated, i didnt realise it was well over 75% saturation in London-on-seasofplastic... i.e. The SW... )
If i forget there are two sexes and one now dominant other, only one: nutjob.
But that sounds insulting....
But nutjobbinness is being ...just as wordsound picture.... one of the others of 19 million who dont wet their pants at HIS Flood ... towit a sane person rather that a twit, knows...
James Marshall was matched once
By whitey trailer trash
who let go ALL the way and surfed atop every ripple of the tsunami
Just like Dawn..... Rachel K.....
Ok there is 'practice' (Sam Harris* would tell you can only be via ten thousand hours on his 'app') .... a fair bit of it; but then you gotta also just stop, get out of the way of..... whatever the fuck it is holds the rest back and go, all the way ...
And so called Master and so called Slave blood - indeed apt in the regional KK heritage ....
became one, one day,
maybe just one day, only:
Anyway back to the point, even if three splendid years of being.. existing, extant, which is way way beyond their Kinderspeak of being "embodied"... indeed seeing how that word has bred like flies fed only on fermented menstrual juice - especially in the hands of the post menstrual to make them look good.....
I exist almost as purely as its poss toBee... indivisible bodyweather ..... And the 'weather' ...
hmm i gotta one day have the right weather to be warm enough and yet hunkered innit so as to...
riff, rightly
(indeed the weather has jjust gone and stuck its nose in this little piece of shit had 47% battery an hour ago and cos its chilly has run right down, far more quickly than if it had been warmed up on the dash i forgot to do so its MY fault i have run out of battery..)
Anyway what do i know for 100% fact...
A good song. That even if it fills itself with those .. *words* ... to look good
When all that matters and IS life is
The TOTALITY of the thing... the nuance ambience
(do remember the quite good piece on being all my life flâneur ..and paid to beso for a decade plus... and the correct definition is to amble to seek a great ambience or atmosphere.... .some spots just are.... the purpose of flanning... you know it when you unplanned amble into them )
and would have a feeling a totality of being
Like she got
(never miond pretty good anti *word* philosophy: "life is shit and you die, or get wet")
But the problem is.....
A big problem....
is not only do they not KNOW when they have 'it'... and won't listen to OBJECTIVE assessment... all must have prizes for every song is just as good...
They.. the whole morass of newword .....what do they call it ? new word ism... new speak ...'new thought'... suggests that 'Selkie' stuff rather than being made up dodgy myth along some agenda ... is as good, because it looks good to speak or sing all Selkieish...
which is the end of culture.
This tyranny of to be cont with the *word* when i ponder it all day maybe