And i guess there's others not selfies either...
And the other, actually GREAT acting some of the best ever indeed fuck all that occurred between Socratese pretending to be valiant with the Hemlock due... especially her (LA truly Grande Belazza's bible bashin'...) ... wipe it all out ...and fast forward to Mister Mugshot telling, showing, screaming at us..... "the rules of the universe are if you steal.... something important from another.... you will never have good digestion, and maytoo get gout..."
The manifestly newguru class - i never knew it was actually THIS bad (eighteen months of freelance nosing have revealed) even if upon reflection it is so so absurdly 'class' based - you could actually plot the aspiring Britolish ' i am just a BIT upper middle class but dont tell ANYone i would ever even have such a thought" .... body and little bits of their fragile soul ... obsession - new religion.... except at least religions tried to write their manifesto out slightly coherently..... are so manifestly absolutely everywhere ...
But more important they completely discombobulated the Lingua Franca of the English language...
Identity theft
Gang rape....
Even two fine pathway comunicatrixes were having to trigger alert every phrase with "in the actual oldspeal real sense of the word, rather than the made up playschool new variant"
Anyway manifesto time in a bit.
But for now briefly terms and conditions: there were several splendid decades when the sort of slightly older or even BBC employed gatekeeper class quite rightly left the stage to the younger people to fly.... unmittigated unmoderated to some extent at least ....
Everyone knew you do not USE the younger generation.
And its irrelevant that some Gross man or other had the cash register in his hotel room.
Because many knew that art was in a different universe than money.
Anyway superfast forward as being it has been a DEAD calm for 24 hrs despite the neurotics of The BBC .. (final decision made its free market time)
Just don't forget the last time i was free - i mean desktop so cleared its daft not one little energy particle of some unhealed load of lighty bollocks even glinting in the trashcan....
2013.... fait accompli being the one and only thing thats actually on the 'wellness' list that works: i hadn't played pool for decades. And there we were.....why not.... the snivelling teen fresh from self harming and ...her mother... but an even worse father who pretended 18 years she was his princess...on the phone.... but never even bothered to drive up to see her.
On it comes....
It's like you couldnt make it up but that's justa private little not very mystical moment compared to others...
Anyway fast forward twelve years very slowly
Now, one thing i know is that the there's-only-two-sexes brigade have no hope. Because the whole brigade even Meg....
Never mind Samuel The Meditate
Simply have no ....nuance.....
none zero
so it's a good thing their microphones
errata especially as the pretend to be in New york...
what are the odds of two microphones that never actually had ANYthing nuanced or graceful to say.....?
frankly it is manifesting the GREAT draining of the swamp.... in just a few days.
Even if the two richish microphones my my they subtly gotta pod-moan.... in that upper middle class manifestly zenway.....
Proving there is actually a god of sorts and it transitioned into at last having some common fuckin' sense....
Bonfire of The Vanities
Anyway i been ...pondering
what really happened?
The mongrelisation process was entirely complete even in the 70s everyone knew who was the joint best, and...(to be cont)
It is also quite extraordinary if one thinks, not that any inteersectionalista has a mind to think..... just how many total top geniuses of MODERN thought arose in brownman South America...
From Gabriel the god his hooker book one of many that are simply perfect..... the old user a bit of a fool but with compassion he lets her kindof win....
Et cet erahhhh...
Anyway inahurry no sparks...yet... one thing io know for sure is there are dots to join up just a little...
And the Charlie girls of "universal" pictures of me.....
Cannot even keep their act together to make sure the crayons are ALWAYS put back in the right place after 'free' a real dad matter what
So as to find them when next needed
So they have nothimng to write... with or about as Charlies smile is as plastic as the seas are as him and his 'tribe' never did fuck..owt... to MAKE people use less...
OR make up great stories or books to shame the cunts into no those plastic nails are fuckin plastic, too....
dont care if you were a Glastonbury litter picker yesterday or not my daughter's future is tomorrow, tart....
(pics soon )
Anyway the important thing is if only the under 35s know how they ...oops fifty... became a commodity..... only
And thus one certainly never even second guesses an under 35... never mind in any way refers to them
(other than ' notional'.. which is what you end up with if MAggie's evil tribe only made them to be used... pill sales handcuffs in bulk etc)
Waffle waffle... only reason io opened my lid is there are two great SW walks....
The first that of Salty and the Giraffe....
The second: that of Le Parfum..... There is only one.
except i have never seen a horror film and never read horror it needs rewriting better.