because err and eye eye.... she can see her future, rightly, two...
I wouldn't send ANY old bird to see the only decent man here... by far
"please please he is so lovely" never mind a heretic, nesztbeschmutzuhhhhh.... rebel..... GREAT mind.... "almost as perfect as yours.... "
In fact take Alan Watts' version of the wellness of the mind....
Hers, one fay, is to be.... like ...
like... someone wrote a great song about every incommer "bird" down here in this London on the WORST parts of up its bum_London town.........and then a true perfect rebel came along and did it like it should'v been done..
aboout those girtlies got "juiced" in their VAT rated fuckin ivory towers of nuthin, they lost...
(course ive seen IT... yes maybe he earned the Oscar.. though as always Joan was better.)
Now..... being I am free. Like never before...i had time to look him up
OF COURSE.... he doesn't have children.... how did i know that
I mean if you have children "Now" is a superpower you don't have
Cos it's about
Today tomorrow ...a;lways
No matter what
And tiz time
Now i have
a kinda team
To take him down
Eckhart must be sideswiped and imp
upon Mister Annon's Bison horns....
Spesh as
i gone and found a second POWERbabe.....
who got the best jokes and quips ever
about their whole rusted out damaging 'wellness' and embodied shambollox self pitying self obsessed self everything load of crap ever invented...
But ... Ms Nutcracker she's like... the perfect spy ....
" and the PZ one ee charged err...[its always the same fey "bird" ] .... six hundred just to ...suck err blood..."
But she's FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funnier than i can be
And then there's ....
The other one....
soon....all the way.....wait til Startmerstan starts his REAL free speech elsewhere.....
. . Because there are ONLY, two sides.