...have any children
So i just want to wander through their 'feeds' wreckingball..... every single so called guru, especially i now can... cos the homework has been done.
There's a ..list....
Now... the problem with the modern age (apart from lastereve " Suzi your fat Orangina [ both allowed as neither are immutable]back on his throne ... with his there are two...no not genders, sexes is the word always has been always will be ... the problem is he is too thick to appreciate that all of that was built first on ... my newtwerm for it...lanyardism.... BUT ... this intersectional nonsense and the whole project in fact arose out of this whole new industry of persuade youngsters or babes or even better black babes that they are endlessly at risk of being cut up into small sections and chucked in a bin bag by some hacksaw murderer .. a whole people as somehow victims under some cosh, squashed...small...gives rise to so many more lanyards... you know this and he knows it too but is rhetoric is so inarticulate he doesnt have the power to even describe this hard to pin down but quite real reality we all know gradually overran... ") is a lack of quite simple coherent rhetoric along simple logical lines that parallel simple common sense or at least science that is fairly non-intersect ate the important chapter
Such as never mind it being the greatest of all tragedies, the greatest of all true footstampy spirits rightly at 'her' church in the best most vicious way only true ACTUAL talent allows, goes and dies young of wrap-yourself-up-in-a-magic-carpet mind virus due it's so clever self propagating ESS (fancy term for in evolution it WORKS) which causes fresher meat to go and knock knock knockin on Allah's door, AND BE IN THE LINE TO BE THE 73RD FAKE VIRGIN.... as you die younger if you suffer a vitamin D deficiency...from having carpetitis....
FACT ... AI or is it google still i wouldnt know as even the drug peddling Optician's 'AI' is so on drugs it goes and 'changes' the only appointment i have for years (reading glasses only ) well the idea (as they all seem obsessed by) AI will e er actually work to do reliable good or have consistent 'intelligence'
is as absurd as windows updates even working properly, ever...
Anyway ehhh.... " Google tell me the mean age of death of Saudi women maybe compared with Western countries of similar economic metrics? .. ohh nope...hold the presses cancel that ...silly me there wont be any cos women aren't considered equally human so ...."
(but will she cry? i asked err yesteraft.... " the French Jean Paul genius in his novel sort of deliberately keeps it at slow burn.... til the end chapter now if youtoo have a heart..... well i blubbed as if ...i couldnt even have an affairt with a sexy babe like you and your pinkies that doesnt .... cos literature is simple: either perfect or not and there is no eye of the fuckin beholder like all the poor younger beholders have been brainwashed to know ...[ a huge expose comming up soon ...ts in my tincan... ]...... " )
Right even if freedom day was a few days ago but talk about a perfect example of how it would be impossible to even do a rewrite of The Bible...
I wouldn't wish my worst enemy a sniffle but hearing THE most evil writer creator of all time had slipped his knot...
Britain never mind Yankeeland warped and anally gang raped by his vile Peaks.... than any other work of so called art ever...
That's when it changed... Peaktime and their chemical party drugs.
A sane person turned him off, never in their whole life played a computer game
the key is in the name
real life much more fun even if all a game
It had slipped even my hangmans noose....
The same worst-civilisation wrecking ball in history his perverted Peaks even worse than being Lynched by Iranian and saudi death-by-ironmongery
He also created the most beautiful of all, almost ever
Elephant man...
No serb even jolly youngish Jockers would get......
beauty in being no one
So how on earth DOES one judge?
Righty ho....now
now... apart from the fact that they - the "WE"MEN... dont even turn off their lights at night whilst preaching that they... we... errate "me" are literally saving the fucking garden the original one...
gosh i didnt know it was that bad.... as aptly i sat and said NO... no more... not me