Saturday, 25 January 2025

The Mon....

 It never occurred, talk about the worst of all but the best of all in one word, that  could be Miss Interpreted either way...

Add a 'g' and we have the best of all, ever....  

Being buzzy buzzy buzzy mongrelisationing is the answer to it all. 

Add an 'olith' 

and we get the problem..... 

But what is it?....

The baddie bit.

So why do i have out  my black pen? ohh yes..... to draw the only wise thing ever heard: " draw a line ion the"

So, imagine one. 

Not the beachsand, being beaches are for tourists and tourism always ruins the mind, unless two wander and even ignore each other  especially when it's just so

Interesting: " don't think me hypocrite or two faced but did you see the plastic on her fingers.?.i mean....what can you say....."

Imagine... a line drawn in shaman's ( such a common trendy thing for Profit, it could be one of millions - all mixed up in her sis's soundbowl therapy)  blood  (are there two genders of them? so many agendas I am sure they couldnt even agree on the sillydrug "ceremony" themetune, and one of them whist monetising High Profitessiness of 'feminine' certainly isn't sex cos The Mighty Condria party  is exclusive enough as it is even if..... it's all been pervicated for Profittoo....  )

Righty ho.....only Panama will do, even if the immortalised Swift thing i had never seen, errata had, but didn't notice as confections are so unnoticeable unless one is a bimbo who thinks that's music....

And (my feed is n

Anyway if i die today only two things matter: 1. living largely car free, by ones own momentum and QUIETitude... ninety percent "hermitude"   and the other is loadsa walking no matter what

Because someone - well a whole set, class, generation though they don't deserve the Moniker...stole the words.

(oh my god its a hairdressers "Barking"  i thought it was a hipster thingumy ....    talking of whom, ehhhhh....soon... now i know i shall not be returning to his kingdom, i shall have such fun relistening to all that nice chat with his minions.... errata, minion..... )

anyway they all look the same....I had imagined their regional king may have SOMEthing artistic about him....

My my how they (these "we"men could do with some healthy diversification via mongrelling ... except they think their mindful zen is pure and of them, only.....rather than a confection of every piece of crap every uttered by every snake oil sales men... the women then copying as an alternative to becoming noble cleaning lady or man....  ) all look the same.. they certainly all SOUND the same.... 

But it is the sounds they do NOT make, that always are by far the most interesting: the splendid and only healing/ wellness / mindful..of wisdom/ embodied/ doesnt take a 'seer' or futureologist to know what is good for the next moment, always....and what proves ALL past moments are fully wellnessed.... forever - the sound of laughing at oneself 

No Eisenstein,  'healer' or otherwise cleaning-job avoidant Southerner ..... would even be able to "listen" to....  


My my now i am REALLY finished there is a whole book to write on that one trying to "alchemise" something that sounds as poncy as Charlie  ... whom they all wish to embodily emulate all the way to the cashpoint...

(my disciple she knows - reacted well to 'but it cannot be transactional.... or certainly should not be payer and payee... and i HAVE spent the last month studying fraudsters, gosh its funny... 'Yogi' Jagat they should make an opera about her as she cannot sue for two reasons, firstly so caught with her yummy yoga pantsdown, secondly despite her 'healing' expertise she died very young blesserrr...") 

Anyway yes ... i have no interest in anything as my duty done.... 


Eckhearts  or even Openhearts  who perhaps did be man enough to breed, don't   understand that word, as it is about tomorrow. No matter what. And it doesn't involve faeries. 

Back to THE start. In fact the manifesto... 'healing' is certainly item one. That really is when it all started to go wrong ..a long time ago - meaning only a decade or so after she, her, the one who more than any could not laugh at herself, or kind, even if she invented laissez faire (actually it wasnt her it was the think tanks that used her) , when even a  child knows that 'regulation' is was and always will be.... .... , before 

But it's extraordinary indeed how a whole industry has NO regulation at all if you have an Eisenstein smile or a jagged Jagat talent on stage taking the Razor's Edge to  every basic rule of human there has ever been...   especially a slightly less than 35 hr working week for her slaves keeps them wellnesser...

(NOTE TO SELF this is not IT ....find it... nothing has made me laugh quite as much for a long time ... 

Anyway gobbledygook  - for now..... 

from the greatest ever cultural item about cant and vanity and how the sinner gets a really bad  painfully contorted tummy ....always....sooner or later .... so one should pity him-hertoo....

" but what is it for Monsieur Colombe.... ?" 

"maybe... to have a chat with the dead.. that's all i can think of.... "