Monday 22 May 2023

 might not look like it o the casual 'observer'...sunning bum atop a completely deserted open common for three sublime...

But also hard at hurried 'work'... due the very best upload mastspeeds....  mean upload all my waffle - best bang for buck!  - the several to drive up... 

many a gigabyte, and sort it out later...for you

One day

But it is almost summed up here how a few days ago (i think i uploaded it) a bit of my body really was self-harm buggered.... first time ever i filmed a bit of buggered body..... i never ever worry about my body... but was(and in pain)  - mainly as it would have stopped my greatest pleasure, dead in its tracks...  walking the beautiful deserted hillside tracks ...

And what do you know... no potions, no therapists, no guides,  no special names for bits of it... it just went and sorted out, itself...