Sunday, 28 May 2023

Right turn.

As in the right way to turn...

Now, there is a lot to do here...soon

Especially as i told George - clearly on the pull, in a little head to head why schism...

But of course no one wants to know about their 'back garden', and the number one bimbo - little Miss Punk rocker,  well, tells me of how she would go swimming from her back garden, in their (famous) river... ten years ago....but no more. But she doesn't seem to fact actively, as usual, scowls at caring... 

 It is always someone else's fault and someone else's garden.... 

Even here where they were meant to have a brain... if you believed the brochures.

But silly me, i believed my 'friend' ... " Never taken so much for our charity...[whom cannot agree  - three years scrapping, over establishing a humble CLT ] ..." I knew not to believe him ever first few weeks of knowing him...  but it is sort of fun to smell the expensive pizzas burning in the  beardy-fey-boy manned clay ovens ... as since they have so few buyers they may as well be recycled, into fuel...

"Ohhh and what about the... hungry... just one town along?!" ...  It is as if one is in some parallel universe where they cannot even read their own brochures.. 

Nit very good prose, or quipping.... some years sort of planned to do this. But i now have the perfect hook; quite a few of their 'audience' won't be able to afford their data soon, and anyway a good book on how to be extremely happy - in fact in a wouldn't have it any other way, way...  ultra simplest existence, on hardly anything, and have the fullest life i have ever had for  years... 

I think very soon, and for a long time to come after that, when 15 quid pizzas haven't held up to nasal  'bodily memory'... they will need something to cheer them up. 

But more important and ... there is no word for effete ... except that fabulous ancient Greek word, so few know...

so i keep to myself

for now...

but it is beautifully summed up, though sadly in the 'funny' - so many years i look forward to the saturday evening 18.15 quip from Clive...

he always starts with... but when it becomes all a joke, AND i know who is responsible, and how THEY (no not the farmers or corporations, or politicians) let this happen ...and have for's only sorrow.... now.

(scandal and fraud, or just acedia : your Saint Georgie doesn't even know about THE most important law affecting this river...and ALL other rivers  originating over the border all down the West of England... and how they keep getting kicked down the road... again and again..

oooohhh... and thats a fuckin lie, too, as their October announcement stated so clearly "oh yes and we MAY have to allow licences.." which means they already have drawn up get-out-of-gaol-free cards  for the worst polluters, their mates,  to continue... 

... he has  - Saint George, has no idea...gormless....  i know as he said so into my journalism device, just him and I... shame i couldnt capture the dumb look on his face, too.. shame he has sold his second home... in wales ..he used to in public call a 'community' ..of people who paid him rent...)