Saturday 27 May 2023

so, "comedy"...

 It had been ongoing near a year... ticking over ..

ping pong

with the funny 'fat man'.... more Bob the very beefy Builder..brown, too, than outright wobbler....

I had never met my equal, i didn't know i needed one...until he just appeared one day in the most racist place i had ever known.... not only the region ( most of The Marches...dont believe thebliar Guardian), but his schoolfriend's front garden, too.. but after he started it.  IT......Such devious undermining, in his false identity

of me

he near 'had' me...

me way up high on H**rock hill all that first glorious midsummer summer.... 2020

an innocent.

" look you are good..... you got me, 'intrigued' but i think i would rather trust my desperate-for-touch, desire to be datiated by these sheep up here  than your seductive lines ...anyway you'll turn out to be a hairy russian ...when i have you hacked back...and twist your identity around and stick  it back up your arse...and twist the prodding stick"

And then

A year later. Because...

( i still would never be goaded into using his ' n' word...a thousand texted strategies he tried... there are some rules)

Well it is because... firstly ...

(i cannot recall the first-year phase, good job i have it stored and backed up perfectly)

But when the next phase began

Because all was the definition of spontaneous and rapid fire,  and to the death...of ego:

by the cleverest offensive punning between two in true equal heroic  love ever... even if maybe justvto make a point

" shit man.... the mean  [ censored] .... our man....

."....near 40 years he has hidden from us one of the greatest pieces of just perfect  poetical true  literature ever..... more than any mere protest song....and so much is about you, i cannot not have a vision of you, your funny cute chubby old face grinning as  he paints that perfect picture, so much is about you but the one scene most vivid,   i see it only as you ' you wont have to worry about sleeping face down your head in the plate...' 

(but all the hill stuff.... i wont stop ever.... you know my real thoughts on you even if we must never share them....  tumblin back to the ground.... all that)

( i challenge....we only CHALLENGE those we...value, to be a better version  of themselves

(in his case thinner cos)

 "as sure as ferrits are ferrits you'll live longer before they drive in the final nail.....if you get sweatin off some of the blubber.... and i dont want to lose you yet... as i have the most wonderful proper library ....and you know too, somehow we have created something new... when we had no idea  when one or other would come around sleeves rolled we started and went though the phases ." 

Though we hide it, often, we were both razed to the ground by propper writing.... 

From those prints of Gillray which in the lacuna between the brushstrokes said never trust any tosser who thinks they ... are a cut above

Even if my offensive gaslighting ( whatever that means) often refers to  his refusal to ever admit to even leafing the pages of proper literature...

it is the pure fabulous literay protest.... the bitter and twisted truth of humanity

in those words ... we then twisted around into every possible contorted offence..... based on, building upon, that song... energised, by the purest letting go....

because we also jave dome lropper lit inside us both..

created some of the funniest half-a- liners, i have ever seen.... he has the most extraordinary gift

but...i could never even remember a joke, never mind deliver one... until 2  1/2 ish years ago .... i thoughtbubbled, fuck you started this  really nasty internet harassing... horrid man...why am i holding back....

and..... within a few months, having gone all the way..the famous funny man never says " fuck man you had ME panties piddling there" ... but we do. a lot....

as we both know....


and i NEED to has taken up half my battery time for 2 years now

and both of us know ( sorry we are aficianados... mayall, sayle, stuart reggie perrin-god...etc)... if we did.... publish it, all....

i would be able to afford a stack of solar pannels covering the whole hill, to give me full whack, midwinter, too....

but we also know by esp..

if even one other person read it ...all.. ish

. and said" wow".. that would break the spell....

so i need someone to do just that... cos enough is enough

phones make you feel bad ...unless you have found a new way to live ..reality augmented by living comedy.... that actially does energise a LASTING way.