Saturday 6 May 2023

 which sounds hocus pocus wuuwuu nonsense..... 

As a simple teaser, in what  - the schism, has, Mayday, just flipped over into something so stupidly impossible, yet a perfect exemplar of every reason for schisming forever... 

And makes the writing of the simple life ( HOLD YOUR HORSES...i always mean what is say, always..)  so much more easy, as i have it personified also in another, whom is such a fuck up, and requiring such help - proper help - 'professional' that of course will be hard to find, as even passable costs an arm and a leg...

So, the ultra simplified, ultra cost benefit, ultra minimum input, so as to l;eave time for processing fully deep personal lifetime pain and REAL 'trauma' (of his finger in the child's pants) ultra keep it simple so the energy to process childhood REAL trauma,    is actually a matter of life and death, or at very least if this isnt sorted out soon, gaol or the madhouse beckon.

There is nothing better than having simplest, no possible argument (even from some silly healer, Guardian style bullshit saleswoman - we have a name, because the pig has lived with them in Goa - users, charlatans, fakes; we used to just call the "beautiful people"  - Houellebecq so fabulously captured them in his early books - their narcissistic mad self obsession NEVER ends well and often in death beds or mass killing..... the notion salvation is available on an expensive yoga mat, or snake oil saleswoman's fancy pot of healing cream, all 'natural' of course... every singe one of them,  cannot argue: this needs  simple old fashioned healing - self fuckin respect through some proper work,  SFR  through "just once mean what you say!"....) purpose. Such simplest ever 'purpose'....  

The only problem is is that  writing, poeticalish words, do not so easily flow from a place where one is happy actually doing some simplest ever (not 'helping' - that is a sickness) mutual benefit, good.

Good job i have so many  essays, poems, observations, in my notebooks, never mind terabytes of good film on why this schism, needs to be, i  could write all the rest of life, and still not get them all where they need to be.

Thing is... purpose is fine, but also having a simplest time immemorial 'cause' - to guide, some little piggy who will live on after me, and needs....... understand....

...... same issues as a young person, as myself, so many parallels and like me, then, age 30 i knew, needs offspring to settle down, and start to think ACTUALLY of others...

means, that i have not only good simplest purpose,  but also know precisely whom, in decades to come, the tract upon simplest possible living, may truly be of use, to.

Let it begin....soon.