Friday 23 June 2023

20-23 June (now VERY limited plug and fuel...all wasted on trying bridges to...


A fat man .... probably like ALL the rest in this land, cannot read. 
I do not ever read any more 'comments'

Unlike everyone else i ever meet i MEAN...what i say...eventually 
my other site has link to unused twitter, it says

(because NO one English ever did what hey SHOULD in society - i have a lovely huge Orwellian  - THE NICE version of Orwell where for years he would go within groups... being part of 'them' to observe... G. O. did too...mine is better any negative comment is from YEAR|S of observing... true patters...and recording them..)

and copyright me some years ago

Voltaire updated

I will die for the right of any fool to write any old rubbish about me online they want, but i reserve the right to have far more important hings to do than EVER...ever!!  waste my time reading them - especially if from sick people who cannot even help a neighbour move a sofa... when they perform they are 'communitarian' - which every English i have ever known, studied, lived with..loved...   simply does not even understand the meaning of it..

and i do.

I LISTENED to fine elders in my teens....

and respect their simplest ever timeless words...and he majority were then-fine young women my betters, i respected...

not my fault they all sold out...because THEY WERE authentic once...

my interest is the gradual real - life fall off of all REAL communitarian values and understanding...

because that is why you are about to have your first violent recession - it started 18 mths ago - the nasty  latent violence of people ENTITLED to... their own 'space' flat screen tv always... 2% interest rates for infinity.. the violence started to become real...and will get far worse.

and it is ignorant ad MISS ANNE THROPE to think that any 'grassroots' or sustainable initiative has ever worked... excep for about 0.0001% who find (usually on someone else's inherited money) some magical little anachronism.... 

if you value humanity, you accept that all has failed and we got far far far more nasty and worse the last 10 years especially... and i knew ALL the fake greens and 'sustainable' community crowds for many miles...

wise Albert said something about: "the definition of madness is..."

I listened 

MUCH nicer write up coming....soon