Friday 23 June 2023

And well i never....

 I decry existence.....

where even in he libraries the DIN!

This means your Lord of The Flies is already here.

Every time, the racket.

No point recording it for posterity any more...

And  when i  would doodle 12 years Rather good stuff some said, though I have no intention of bothering to ever identify any name - even then, if one wrote "when the librarian Jayne..W ..[of course one wouldnt write, fat showing her midnight biscuit habit they all pretend is genes...and all fat means, is no energy or drive to have such fun living for real - doing real things... attempting bridging children estranged to their religious bigot dad...  who for hours at  at a time over the years would smile so earnestly with me as an 'equal' as i steered thoughts on how a simple thing could be tried... (mid 10s)... and yet not once - dozens of long chats, does this teetotal father...middle aged, even hint "hmm.... maybe if we got mine to a bbq 

"i could trick yours too ... offer money, drugs, fast cars "[ i jest TONGUE IN CHEEK i only trust non drinkers...him one of them]

nope.... never even hinted.

The one way ONLY 'using' society...

him a pious man but the majority (this MATTERS A the rural fringes where the social fabric is worn through enough as it is..was...)i guess unless they  can sense some serious advantage ever really 'do'ing is merely an amusement...

do they masturbate to one i wonder?

Him off doinmg London things top pay for her Waitrose bags...wank off to the very fit for his age bloke who choses to cycle an old rusty one (so their junky kids whom they dragged up, as the dealers know... their 'market'.. dont steal a fancier one for drug dosh...

even here  ..

oops, there. Never again.

Theme parks are lethjal. To those who do not take some truth serum

Vaccination...and in time you realise that the so predictable user religious bigot...

well one can have an internal sweepstake "  what are odds... i have seen his tears... they werent fake - sat across the coffee table from me... on fourth scheme to reel in his lost lass - from just down the road..ok i bet myself a nice fish n chips in 6 mths if i can afford one... if he never even hints at some fuckin recip...rocation.... i will enjoy mine because it is the real LIVING WITHIN..fabulous Lord of The Flies scenes...

that keeps you in time, thin and very bouncy...

but, famous last words - sadly fluffed, and the wrong ones "it's not important.." it is when you know something - so many times the same exact ALL that 'society' 'community' never mind 'sustainability [economic et ceterah] is is such [not even 'good deeds'] - just whats necessary for sustained basic not even remebered by all these non drinking goody goodies (their whole performance is.. has been the 134 years i have pimped subtly the obvious i am not pushy..never sk - well did once... when not one ever slightly floats this as a possibility...

then you already have a dystopia and mass Borderline Personality Disorder

(listen the last Meghan its actually funny how rude and scientifically prejudiced two women

 can be about...women... nope - exact equality - i can prove... )

In fact never mind No man  - even... though more f's than m's i floated my obvious need for 13.5 years ...into... and not one even suggested some bridge

it was so noticeable after summer 2020 blokes were having a lot less to do with their kids (and those doing more... being VERY neurotic...very..i am objective...having survived a random very serious bug  - longterm eat you from inside hahh hahh...- once in lifetime - never really been ill before!, 2016-17 .. i couldnt give a toss about a new one 2020 - so was in super "wow this is interesting...observe..chronicle.." smiley mode

how things went backwards

And any father who doesnt know by now, his children, and society, suffers from him not being around much, a also by any reasonable definition has BPD...

so its definitely a draw 99% to 99% ... but these nasty women using FAUX science to damn their sisterhood.. Lewontin quite rightly pointing out in Doctrine of DNA ..most science is p3erverted... driven by even unconscious agendas...

blah blah another day

This one fantastic! even if no time to be graceful.

if anyone thinks i do not have other ...sort of paradigms ongoing for years.. they are thick (or also have BPD). And cannot LISTEN..

my Ralph here is my main Ralph but...

the other unused suote.

In fact really i should have kept with first choice - Art...

The absolute glorious art...fulness...i every few weeks deal with a certain person.... (cannt say, tax credits)...

Its a gloroious hilarious opera

And then now and again i revert to...

I mean HER! 

This afternoon after library Perd***

" i never had one...ok maybe i need one so as when i jump off the big cliff they know who i was thinking of..NICELY"

wow... talk about a truth teller !

And we had them all pissing in pants within 5 mins...

And i know she meant it

"very great pleasure to meet you sir... "

"nope we know you know all the bloody Londoners commin ear Waitrose bags half a mil of property making out they saved the whale in an earlier life when the only way they managed the train fair here was saving the money from the weonderful new sport as of 20 odd years ago... false sexual harassment em out of London in first place....or some other theft or rascalness...their biz but is the way they piously recreate themselves as Mother Theresa's official yoga teacher  and mat supplier.. that peeves me....and is the themepark i wonder if they actually believe in nowadays.. as real.... hahh hahhh we are sisters and bros you and me!!...maybe luv...maybe "

not graceful... THE END

cos my good camera is full up anyway...

and have to use the horrid one