Sunday 11 June 2023

oh i forgot to finish my tangent...

no cynic

TIME... all the time in the world, even to love a simple old song on Steve on the wireless this morn... perfection. 


sadly not perfection, yet... not even a gnat's wingbeat of signal spare to upload a photo..never mind the zillion i have, that I like... 

What a stupid, daft, ridiculous decision....  to emigrate, here... but I (that is italic I) just know - body/mind  - everything - the weirdness and impossibility of human existence in this goldilocks zone..of the hologram generator, (no we can NEVER know or prove ANYthing and i have a large library 35 years of best most cutting edge grown up physics.. they all - the great ones, accept that ALL is only theory....imagined - that's the true joy and freedom)  or the most glorious thing in creation in all the infinite actual universes put feels exactly right... the right one.