Monday 10 July 2023

The bones

 of the thing...


Except one old boney thing, only reason here...

But then out of the blue (right, now.. Three mobile cannot understand what 'contract' means....

fait accompli is a beautiful thing

THE only psychology worth knowing = also Black fact is Black swan in (Unity's...ohhh my Unity......'s).. la langue Frog... even if she is part Houellebecq like think some ferkin ultra aware cult ifs going to spring up and not be like all other ideologies ever, a bit Stalinist...

 (oh yes... her... and him... ex doctor..married 50 years.... i.e. her an old bag... "so i see no... snazzy grip things to hold the fuckerated tendon you complain of..." him: " biggest waste of money showing off ever oooh look at me i am Tim Henman and have injuries from sport.. they make me she does...every day, still.." "I sense  between you two......ehhh .extreme cheekiness, almost sedition daily between you in fact i heard nuclear besmirchment just then.... and...we know...THAT is why you look 65 you very very very old i shall give you a new word to attack him with - a true fat lost self pitying brown genius coined it last year....between only him and i exclusive...and ive j7ust wasted a tenner auto renewing the url.... cos THEY ALL WENT......'PRAMMY'... next time he pouts like that tell im 'ees just being prammy... throwin his toys out of one... really DO ....not lie, and...hope i see you again ... and if she's on crutches remember to try trip her up... make her hobble on her own pegs...for her OWN good...." "i like you....sir...")

So now - the one sat on the bench, Little Miss ultra PP

(i think i will show it to her...maybe she does have the poise and grace to understand this is FREEDOM... REAL freedom..... no one except the old doc...and

...out of the blue...An**a... half hour chat 'theyll all be gossipin you gettin on like house on fire...ear in street..... oh mister you MUST write the BOOK what a love story out of a washed up tea chest full of maybe rotten, maybe still working dynamite...fuck me....  and then THAT gotta be kiddin.... you could emote Poldark to a far lesser attraction the way you've been having fun.... but i know you mean it, if you say 'committed' ..well if they don't manage, i know you are....oooh i don't know the Nazi she sounds too good to not ehhh.... well... keep your options open.."

"Finest lady... ex farmer... we have discussed the possibility of ...well... all that matters the "birds" and lots of Bees... and a few waspy ones... you know me by now, i say what i mean and mean what i worst 'enemy' gave me the gift of that phrase i live by... so if i said 'I do' ... she will be handed the shotgun and told she can use it if i ever did..not.."

NO 'book' will be rit here this is JUST simplest living... ONLY

And that was the cast iron plan.

I keep to plans.