Sunday 6 August 2023



Now, the hard
All digital - all messaging all whatever comes into your small screen ... is hard and too direct..

All imagery...needs to be ina  sort of full screen all encompassed everything
in context
Even a written out poem.
That (here) is part of something...

What an undreamed of  privilege to read it out to a young woman who's eyes light up at poetry.
And she said she got it - that's not the privilege, just the reading of it... 

" hmmm... i wonder... poetry songs... maybe they only really come fully alive when read day i shall send your mum my treasure chest of Something Understood poetry readings... because though not elitist a good delivery no god not that Kate Tempest..a gentle delivery is so part of it.."

Part of it - ten years so dedicated to small 'community' in a large region...what happened?
Looking for actual real thoughtful contributors, ... 5 years ago... thereabouts, what ? is as if any slightly 'aware' person whom formerly as this once friend...... 
went into industrial snake oil overdrive...
And i know anyone with gentle 'insight'.. now will be drowned out by the ...what does she say hurts to look "sharings" nope..later
the latest word for money

Bu these poor immos...i do mean POOR..of spirit beacause they never had ANY hope... 
of authenticity or...even understanding... 
where they came (some superb examples of embodied Tom-Pauls .. being Richard Branson soon...i knew one well....and then he hung himself 2011... and Polly Higgens knew him ..too

These poor people have NO hope... just pimp false prostituted EASY lines...

This... this is emotion. Insight... this is the moment that Britain indeed did show the world what Spirit..lifeforce IS and always will be...

and on fact it is why

immos were allowed here.
not enslaved by your Windrush, whatever

UK could just as much become Albania on sea

visa to there in the 90s no way

only because of truly good satire and anti deference humanist tjough did uk rightly become the go to destination...90s... and before fir tjose rscaping persecution..

only because of this

truth to power

snd what do this new generation do
come and sell shamanic crap which is the exact opposite of democracy

and only causes fear ab
nd elitism " i am better more empath than...YOU..."

but i dont blame them...what else have they to do when they will never afford wven a parcel of

but a soades a fuckin spade... and fraud is just that

Behind Beyond the Fringe

Four young men are brought together to stage a late night revue for the Edinburgh Festival; Beyond The Fringe is born & comedy will never be the same again.
by Jeremy Front.

sat..getting fat  - though of course Becky and Rupert or Ted and Camilla or Jake and ...[ no they never have homos working the land together]... Jemima

Apart from not caring that a barge with a VERY VERY poetical name no longer here
So they don't notice it any more

May as well...go swimming here


he has just a lilt enough...

Even here (my last region) ... " even here" ... all of them not being able to afford Tom-Paul owned SW any more..

He..s/he.. they only get on if s/he..

s/he.. to make it naturelle..

defernce... Britain lead the world at sticking two fingers up to the gentry aristocracy...200 years ago Mary Ann Evans LEAD the attack...

And what do we have...some rich priveaged little snot nose... who has JUST the yokel accent enough to hide the fact... that he doffed his hat to Charles and whatever other toff nose they had at the estate that weekend...

why..'/he gets on the wireless...why s/he can afford their new lands...

oh yes and i have interviews ... one day... you see the 'Dutchy' bought half of Herefordshire over the last 20 or more years...

And one of the few i can trust...could... as she lived near their 'estates'.. would tell me of just how ferkin  free and easy with the eviction notices they would be...and as for employee 'rights'.... 

But the snot nose s/h.. act as if on his money they have created some kind of new nirvana...

Now the 'Paul' of Tom-paul... i knew him well too...

Its always the same... total whitewash of how they got their down south dosh...

And ..using splendid subtle cult playbook lessonry...

they all eventually manage to gather a little herd - of wwooffers or even 'volunteers'... 


The funny thing is these communities of people being paid way less than minumum wage... which is in theory fine...

communitarianism requires some adjustment but it could be fair trade REAL mutual benefit...

Not only do they never last and the land needs decades at protecting it...saving all the rotting wood - some for the ugs and beats...some to be carefully reused so as not to waste living wood..

but this 'community'... mutuaal aid contract... even

never ever includes the fact that Jake and cam..maybe 5 years down the line will sell their ultra enhanced perfect little smallholdings.. rebuilt on the labour of 'community'... ies of smiley beardies from the cities who know nothing about real conservation (leave it fuckin ALONE!! to rot... and moulder)

And my my i wonder if the 'share' out that enhanced sale price  afforded by all their lovely little 'communityu'volunteers...

the enhanced sale price meaning even in truly emotional and intelectual democratic westeland of Powys...

All the Toom-Pauls Camillas and Polly Katrinas...even one who was my hoped for true friend...

just add to the ordinary people FROM the 'community' can afford even a hedgehog hut on their ...LAND

BUT... my my try EVER mentioning this to the i have in old region for 0 years...and fuck they bite as snarly as a rabid hedgehog down your pants...

more than acedia - total dystopia... back BEFORE the enlightenment

Pure feudalism...

dressed up in an expensive new handknitted papoose.. they all have them.. and utra exensive antique gas guzzling vintage land rovers the latest trend...

And of course when their 'local 'community' turns 

... because down the housing estate in Hay they have even less channce than ever before of affording a bit of land..

druz blight...joyriding teenagers killing each other (2010ish the worst i think) ... Jake and Cam will..

"oh we tried so so hard to find happiness here but the estates started to encroach and kids made drug dens and...oh Cam... lets sell up, buy a yacht..and go and make a film about how we will bring up Robyn and Harr ... living free out on the ocean waves as we home all those scabid kids in local schools will only... no we shall not JUDGE...but we don't want our little uns around any of that any more...they may catch their neurodivergence..."