Monday 7 August 2023


i have kept separate until now....

only person to person invites to this one... other one shows a fair bit of traffic no idea why probably stepfamilies of daughter looking for new ways to do her mind in by putting more rubbish about me online...( despite an illegal malicious email sent to me 2011 where... ask Mr Malkinson... someone there committed  a REAL crime...  stating a child had changed her surname, impersonating her via an email saying to me " you are no longer my dad" fact it was far more really hurt me....made feel no place left except Peter Williams rope... really did for several weeks...i assumed it REAL....

.. the cops though wouldnt say who the originator was despite giving them official caution.. (only because fraud social worker Rachel Bramble  - meant to be working with me   - super famous campaigning social worker  - her crimes are riffed on this site in an audio... maybe a month example of why uk is lost forever....advised me  a few months later for her own safety it should be investigated..she could have been at real risk of harm age 12 someone doing that in her 'name'...nope....stitch up.. like the cops been caught with pants down stitching up our Andy of late... listen 6pm news today radio 4... they are capable of ANYthing...i have no axe to grind no issues  - i could have sued often..i do not believe in life fine thank you...the greens - as my diaries and memoirs will show... show UK has NO hope..none.. they are all utterly useless or worse...there are no people at all who are authentic in civic society...but worse, none have any decent learning and philosophy in them... there aint no hope...fait accompli makes you HAPPY... .)