Monday 7 August 2023

Though it is subtle... and of little interest to me - in fact NOTHING about British society ever will be  ever again,  of any interest..(most thinking people basically saying only way we return to some semblance of a society is via  a bloodbath megga mess, a real one, not 2020, and as a pacifist i disagree but know that some huge shock IS required)... everyone fucked their environment and NO ONE ever does much about it..(UK known as most environmentally denuded  place in Europe, as good as, nowadays...our childhood and young adult mental health pandemic, never mind adult,  FAR worse than any other European country - these alone DEFINE: a failed society...and 99.9% of our culture self pitying confected infantilising crap....)

and basically though i will talk sincerely with anyone, no British ever interest me...ever...

had enough - all performative and only fake (living in fear of course..) every moment of life especially last three most enjoyable busy and social years of my life for many years from about 1 April 2020... prove all are fake (British dont know about others ..yet) fake they cared about neighbours fake community (recordings of many churchies saying they DID nothing except zoom people all 2020 and hal 21... fake..
anyway stating on other site  

clayton v clayton 2006 ewca civ 878 did more HARM than good says Simon Clayton

not that anyone has a philosophical mind ever (i speak with plenty of civic leaders even still) ...all minds i guess rotten through by crap tv and crap supposed educators and influence..

Its subtle of course - the in a video or audio the weekend gone. i link it with fake spiritual practitioners..... to make a point but the point i make is valid - likely, in that the main objective to prevent cruel and LIFELONG damaging,  treatment of children and parents by greedy state actors...failed...inadvertently over time made this worse.

children are the bedrock of all, and media, ordinary people,  and even campaigners failed to get 'behind' the changes i made mid 00s others of course coming in to attempt to make these reforms really mean something. openness exposing baddies on youtr tax payer money but also peace plans... the people just too thick, lost, self obsessed  to take it forward...  though a major change was normalising father custody arrangements and shared parenting now in almost by default...obvious positive..(i meet many couples now who accept this 100% as of course the way it should be..i was first to publicise that)

That is not 'blame' i don't... 

ultimately we are 'media' - how we are guided by the public conversation IS what our society is...with a load of sick establishment private school deviants having a lot of power behind scenes - sometimes they dominate sometimes more mainstream powers dominate..but still the public arena and messages from the public conversation  are us... ... even hooligan kids (i have an ear and no prejudice) still say " i saw on the telly.." and the elite city centre privileged media gatekeepers in a quite absurd minority  of extreme minority concerns such as 'sexuality'  - 96.5% of the population may have kids..heterosexually.....  hardly ever WANT to portray positive useful parenting and good oldschool ideas of it taking a village to raise a child...or at least parents looking for sane healthy ways to raise them... (they dont or none would spend a lot of heir time with a youngster on their phones - as i observe the MAJORITY of parents doing for 5+ years... which a 3 year old knows is a disaster for the child).....

......and only one person i ever met has the guts to tell me she is disgusted how the British raise their kids... 

i literally catalogued the angsty behaviour of ordinary parents over 25 years... back 25 years ago very few parents would default to the  lined pained angst filled facial expression...nowadays so many do...almost majority...i see it on he streets everywhere...

and its obvious - its straight of endless psychodrama TELLY... 30 years ago your Eastenders becomes this endless grimaced rage filled thing...of course gradually the consumers of it internalise it...ever so subtly but that what the majority became...and science states that the facial expression of main caregivers in first few years - the rate of smileyness is NUMBER ONE health and wellbeing predictor for ALL the child's future..into adulthood... that science was crystal clear near 20 years ago

you reap what you sow - quite clearly a whole generation of kids - under 30s maybe older are really in a mess... bleak and... they may not commit as much vandalism maybe knowing they may be cctvd and young offenders is dull...but self harming lost utter amoral existence many ell me is the norm...shit parenting for decades...and shitter so called care services..

the only good news...

no UK  films  regarding children get me blubbing...

all of many i have seen 20 years are full of awful angst and cynicism

until i saw this a few nights ago

(vumoo superb site you fight he popups)

 so brilliantly acted...a real human film at last, from the most effete decadent society since  almost ever ... hmmm weird hahh hahh

i know those superbly portrayed feeling of a parent unable to watch other parents with kids...even linger on a mum with a bump...or even look into a room with toys in

superb - a perfect film at last about a parent and child... could have been either sex...perfect.


back to fill in holes and smoothe out bumps now..

And a short essay on what IS authenticity Miss Mc Boat face...