Friday 11 August 2023

"Word pictures"

 All i know is this. 

Even if it is a book or two.

Of late - thing about 'here' - I suppose it is the inability to understand 'their' environment, in that the Tom Paul Kat-o-Garchs.. they are so subtly only partly  in view.

I would fly Mister Fry and his ultra oligarch hip women here  27 years ago - £5000 a seat roughly London to St Mawgan..( a million quids worth of old banger plane a tax 'write' off meaning he gets to write off his official 'commission' for privatising the water companies, and we would fly down to Cannes to his unofficial 25 mil commission... rather large to fit in his back pocket... )

Adrian - - 'f' - not verv feminine, Mrs Fry.... except never official, would be at home at Camden market, Carlton Cannes, Glastonbury in a ...well at that time they were 500 quid old vw camper...but she bought all them up over the years so they are now £20 grand for a not brilliantly refurb one..

Adrian or was it enne... she will have a Natural Store bag... wall to wall yoga mats and of course the ultimate whirlpool jucuzals ..overlooking a just about tolerable ocean view if her facelift is too saggy  that get on the plane to Cannes...

Here they are hidden - mainly because they dont much like the place having bought it all 25 or 30 years ago so only can tolerate it  when Cannes is too hot for the facelifts.....

And one supposes that the fact they arent too much part of the 'community' they dont overtly piss folk off too much..

Past region, there's a deeper angsty violence in the air. 

Simply called the 'class' or caste system. In that the incomers - tsunamis of them once the Guardian started to write the most absurd fantasy pieces on Hay-on-Wye 15+ years ago..( we could literally plot - first the Guardian article then the Torygraph one about Presteigne... that was about 13 years ago and featured an idyllic picture of some wattle and dawb old building as idyllic homespun products shop in the high st...only problem is i know the guy - couple, who owned it.. they were at vicious internecine war due him, a North America, despite actually knowing Richard Bach well he would tell me...... was so unable to not fight-to-the death for every last penny after their brief interpersonal relationship...otherwise known as he embezzled her cash as he is the ultimate Walt Mitty and embezzler knowing The Marches so full of dumbos its daft...he is still there.. kind of the hardly visible theme park... 

All irrelevant except as the more openly moneygrabbing upper classes (all shabby illiterates) colonised 20 years ago there is in fact a snide almost violent undercurrent.. to the whole Marches... especially when its shooting day today.. thats when you see their real true colours -   he, who has been acting out a nice homespun persona for his customers in some local walking attire shop...will be off at dawn up to bag his fair bag of poor grouse or whatever...

All i care about is some good writing. Word picture writing ...

I may be a silly fool as I know the shooters (the colonisation of a region by them where they trade one and all on a green/ 'Woodstock of the mind' image yet i know full well they are the worst kind of huntsmen .. game shooters...who couldnt give a shit of instead of their allowance of "birds" that are allowed.. they get the odd extremely protected species...

And god help the person who tells the odd truth about them.

And as i don't believe god 'helps' anyone, other humans need to..I couldn't put up films of..

Listen to tweet of the day or is it now 'X of the day'... Bill Oddly  doesnt mention the way that around the river Wye where there are only two stretches of The Warren (we saw the historic massive - must have been 20 hectare maybe 30...wilflower meadow destroyed in 2001 - i mean actually destroyed deliberately by the local 'good' burghers...

The other a very private one - long stretch of the riverbank 1 km downstream from Hollybush inn..

Well the  Little Ringed Plover in 2010 was nesting there and officially that stretch was 'schedule 2' ... the second BIG LAW most protected  stretch of land ... probably the only schedule 1 is the branch the odd Golden eagle nests on..

Bill tells us " 1000 pairs..."  of L W Ps...

So i suppose the average person would think " wtf.. if for a week most days at dawn a large JCB and lorry are there digging out the protected shingle .. the shingle was protected! ... so as to use it for free foundation matter for their glamping (gee gee glamping actually) operation 1 km further downstream - massive new yards ..require concrete...require loads of shingle ballast .. commercially available but of course thieving it for free saves money for their children's ketamine habit they top up from (actually) the Town crier's  shared 'community' space... behind the High St..

None of my business except having actually filmed the jcbs one dawn - real risk to self. ..and a year into a period of my life when i had NOTHING AT ALL.. but live for...

. then dobbing in said categorically unlawful massive shingle  river bank 

to Brecon Beacons National Park... (covering this region).. thrice.. once annon by annon email.. secondly annon gob to gob to telephone operator.. third time the actual riverbank of the crime a passing canoeist happened to be senior at BBNP..." you must keep me anon or i will be baseball bat beaten up by that gang of thugs 1 km from where i am staying in my cave" .. not only does one not know if he actually did anything.. [ he didnt] or if he will keep ton that deal...

ANyway word pics..

Until i get to a plug and stores of old film..

imagine, misty .. just sunup... most pristine gorgeous riverbank for miles.. long shingle beach.. some LRP eggs hidden away by natures glorious artfulness in camouflage.. and a big fucker JCB squashing them..

The real word picture that sticks in my gut is people like peter Florence and various minions going endlessly on the media to spin their "woodstock"  - just up the road - 3 km down road...

that it was is some idylic 'community' and... looking after the environment all around..

...... i hve dozens of such scenes to word picture maybe even paint if i ever learned that creativity (mine own coming only from nuclear bomb loss 2010..) 6 months ish later i just blurted out a good poem one night semi comatose   by far best thing i have ever written...must find it...soon..

From their chaos turmoil and confusion...attacking me... never mind me being in the abyss... its astonishing this human mind spirit thing... and UN KNOWABLE... cannot be predicted ever

But... of a safer environment... not such truly as The MArches is behind the facade

 " i know a farmer around here... my 'man'... i tolerate him overfishing my Pools.. he rents from he kills the otters unlawfully ... and his spin operation superb so no one knows... who... 

"if he has a few too many one night will just maybe kill you... we dont want peeps rocking any boat here.."  is a part violent undertow around all The Marches... 

Maybe except Clun... 

film i cannot find yet of the worst hypocrisy ever actually filmable close up..soon

Anyway of late - give up caring about rivers, shit smelling Porths..  Fuckerated Creeks... two months nudging young folk to get behind an official new initiative that would probably work...but cannot be with anyone under 30 alone except K**** but he's retired hurt i guess...

so one needs buffers -  babes my age group on side to mentor them a bit.. and one never ever knows where one is with babes my age... (though i do have hope for the last ever new maybe friend..)

But - or rather not 'but'... Even if yes they are pretty scary - even in Hay-on-Wye housing estate 10 years ago (no one knowing me  - i.e. me RANDOM stranger just cycling through quietly..) if one cycles through ona  sunny afternoon the three kids outdoors rather than on a machine all day indoors will actually shout " f off ... this our territory...see you again, well make up you paedo.. get pigs on to you.." ..and thats just the 7 year olds..

Still...or rather maybe just from curiosity, and a slightly safer feeling - meaning the WHOLE of society in The MArches is violently deep down feudal despite Florence's fantasy PR.... i have riffed with quite a few youngers.. around heir early to late 20s...

It is interesting and i do believe one thing every single one shares with me,  that those taking part in the  'public conversation', or any conversation,  seem to have lost their minds in one key aspect... 

THE one thing above all THEY see as a necessary change..or return to even (having explained it was NOT like this in the past  - though its hard to give the stories as its confused by UK class systems for decades muckin it up..)

That  surely one should know that there may be someone with almost entirely the opposite attitudes and lifestyles..  habits dress who they bonk or SAY they want to on twatter...  but each and every single one from some other 'camp' may also have GREAT things to share directly with their ideological 'enemy'..

The younger 20 somethings certainly get this... the 30 plussers know it is THE issue for them - the warring 'camps'.. but they also know its utterly artificial...

BUt no one seems to be able to really formally 'bridge' this divide which is not a divide... at all... 

In my opinion STORIES about finding useful stuff from  - within the interpersonal dealings one to one, from such encounters or ongoing relations  even ones ideological sworn enemy...

is the most important role for ALL   media/influence/books/... the LOT

And i got loadsa real great stories in that department...

One of best - real - i think of him often in dodgy augusts... most sadly  angry dangerous violent man i ever spent... 3 years renting a small patch of his field 2 km upstream river Wye from Hay... large family, famously aggressive

(needs must)..

he told me though or rather i LET him tell me two great lessons almost word picture fable things...

The best one  ( ... me wandering up to him one day... hmmm...should i ? hes a brute thick as pig shit... hurts his dogs and his grandkids so traumatised they whip theirs with an iron bar....  oh maybe i should follow my rule  ' stuck with a problem, ask the LAST person in world who may give a wise answer'... [ me only WRITING on 'revenge'... i do not ever do revenge ever]  " well lad...[ him untangling his tractor tugged  harrow.. me only one who ever offered to help in that really hard job..] "jack move aside you think i am effete Hay ponce i am tougher than you i see you strugglin let me do it.."]" yer know ...well as the whole valley except the silly incomers know..i am a vengeful vicious old bugger... but i know one thing, when ive taken revenge...its never ever done me any good...hmmm i think thres yer answer......but i still cannot stop myself doing it.."

Not a v good word picture and me just doodling while:

word picture:  three devices THIEVING the which i mean balanced since dawn on dashboard .. 400 kbs.. just to keep a  couple of phones going... so chock full wont even receive a text... back up film and pics to the cloud or rather dump them there..

finished with, on here but its my pics....10 gb! dont even have poise and grace time to get them up and weave a few in with nice little philosophical stories..

thats next!

For now old Jack Nichols...( gave me best ever tip on how to keep away slugs as he had been a veg grower 70 years...i of course informed Primrose Paul of the 200 quid a night yurt+gong con operation.. " Jack.. true oldtimer...says with this pandemic of slugs... BARLEY PILES... its the only way now to save your veg..." ..Paul of course from Down South even if he looks like a hobbit in all that Portobello garb....of course cannot respect his elder..only 3 km down road... the only one for miles in the same bridging the two,  who would never meet..... (except Paul is 'saving the world with his...) Jack...just feeding his family and half of Hay luvvie recent arrivals ...(from mid 00s) .with his..

Anyway blahh blahh... JAck one day that terrible wet summer ...2012... 

" lad... we used to say... when august is like this the combine has to get in and THIEVE the corn... " 

between wet days of course...

thieve it..

lovely word picture perhaps..

I can write and have my own...but not yet..

Though i think the private 'blog' 

 You are nothing but Polly Garchs poop brown so she wont have to bother cleaning it

is rather good... thats what him and i do some days from dawn.. and it is

when occasionally now i unblock him